Bill Clark

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    • #23289
      Thom Van Vleck

        Bill Clark

        Thom Van Vleck
        Jackson Weightlifting Club
        Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

      • #23305
        Al Myers

          This was a much needed story on Bill. I thought I knew all of his weightlifting contributions, but then I learn he did even more than “what I thought”! Great story by Joe – and just wait till tomorrow with the PART TWO. Good stuff. Al

        • #23304
          Al Myers

            And of course I have to mention that this story points out where All-Round Weightlifting originated – KANSAS!!! Not Missouri like everyone thinks. LOL Dinoman

          • #23303
            Thom Van Vleck

              If we want to get technical “All Round” came from the “odd lifts” of Ed Zercher and his crew (of which my grandfather in law was a member which indicated NO BIAS on my part whatsoever…hahaha) which all start in South St. Louis, MISSOURI!!!!!!!!!!!!!

              Thom Van Vleck
              Jackson Weightlifting Club
              Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

            • #23302

                Great article on Bill. I am looking forward to part 2!

                I'm the lyrical Jesse James

              • #23301
                Dale Friesz

                  Clark is the true Triceratops – capable of taking on the TRex
                  and usually winning. GREAT story!!!

                • #23300
                  Al Myers

                    Hmm Dale, I would argue that Bill may be a Triceratops now (since he gave up red meat), but at one time he was definitely a T-Rex, as displayed by his red meat-eating exploits at Alexanders. But as far as the T-Rex/Triceratops battles I think the T-Rex would not only win, but eat the Triceratops as well! Proof of this comes from Wikipedia – “It shared the landscape with and was preyed upon by the fearsome Tyrannosaurus”

                    No one can expect a vegetarian to have any real strength!!!! haha THE DINOMAN, expert on all things dinosauer related

                  • #23299
                    Thom Van Vleck

                      Al…..errr…DINOMAN! I’m confused. ON the wall the the Dino gym and the many tshirts from the many Dino gym meets I have attended there is a T-rex that symbolizes the Dino Gym. This, of course, makes sense. But the Dino Strength Team uses a triceratops! I’m confused by this! They say the Dino Gym is in the slums of Salina! What gives! haha

                      Thom Van Vleck
                      Jackson Weightlifting Club
                      Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                    • #23298
                      Tom Ryan


                        I enjoyed reading Part I and I look forward to Part II.

                        I admit that I did a double take when I saw the name Homer “Brannon”, however, as I wondered if there could be both a Homer Brannum and a Homer Brannon. That did seem somewhat unlikely. I called Bill today as it had been several months since I had spoken to him and I had been trying to reach him recently. He told me that was indeed Homer Brannum, who became the first national champion in both Olympic lifting (1965, beating Russ Knipp by 5 pounds in the 148 class), and powerlifting, as the following year easily winning the national title in his class.

                        For any of you who are not familiar with Homer, like Joe (just kidding you, Joe :-)), he is profiled in Lifter’s Corner in the August, 1966 issue of S&H.

                        Homer did not live a long life as he died several years ago, apparently at the age of 62 or so.


                      • #23297
                        Joe Garcia


                          You are right, I don’t know him. When Bill and I were talking, seems to me that he wasn’t sure on the spelling of the name. Not sure how to correct that in a published article.

                        • #23296
                          Al Myers

                            Joe, Welcome to the club – you’ve just been “Ryanized”. LOL

                            I made the spelling correction in the story. That is the beauty of website stories – corrections can be made at any time with just a “click”. I do think it is very important that the facts be accurate in stories, because you never know who might reference this material in the future. There is lots of misinformation on the internet and I don’t want to be part of that. I DO appreciate anyone who notices mistakes and points them out to me (thanks again Tom!). Al

                          • #23295
                            Dale Friesz

                              Dear Dinoman – I humbly beg to diagree with you. As I have noticed over the years there are as many diets as there are ways to train – meat, vegetables and brewed products. If I am not mistaken I seen someone similar to you partaking in all of the above. In addition I am pleased to see that you do not want mistakes on these pages. If I were you I would not bet the family jewels on Wikipedia. Accoring to my reference which has been around far longer than yours, the TRICERATOPS was more than able to take his share of the battles with trex (noticeower case)!!! I know that it is hard to always be right – but I am seldom wrong. Just ask Jimmy Buffet.
                              Dale M & D Triceratops.

                            • #23294
                              Al Myers

                                haha I’m NEVER going to win this debate if you and Thom are both ganging up on me! So I better quit now!!!!

                              • #23293
                                Dale Friesz

                                  Dear Dinoman: two and you are out – no mas!

                                • #23292
                                  Tom Ryan

                                    [b]Quote from dinoman on January 4, 2012, 10:28[/b]
                                    Joe, Welcome to the club – you’ve just been “Ryanized”. LOL

                                    I made the spelling correction in the story. That is the beauty of website stories – corrections can be made at any time with just a “click”. I do think it is very important that the facts be accurate in stories, because you never know who might reference this material in the future. There is lots of misinformation on the internet and I don’t want to be part of that. I DO appreciate anyone who notices mistakes and points them out to me (thanks again Tom!). Al

                                    “Ryanized”. Right, Al. LOL Well, I have to Ryanize you again, Joe, as in Part 2 you referred to Buck O’Neil but you had his last name misspelled as “O’Neal”. (see
                           As the latter states, he was the oldest person to ever have a plate appearance in a professional baseball game, which occurred when Buck was 94. Then he died a few months later. As you said, Joe, he and Bill were friends up until Buck’s death and I know that Bill had a high regard for him.

                                    Regarding Homer Brannum, please note, Joe and Al, that “Brannon” is also in Part 2.

                                  • #23291
                                    Al Myers

                                      haha I KNEW THAT – I was just “testing” you!

                                    • #23290
                                      Tom Ryan

                                        [b]Quote from dinoman on January 5, 2012, 11:00[/b]
                                        haha I KNEW THAT – I was just “testing” you!

                                        I assume you mean the “Part 2” thing. Buck “O’Neil” also?

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