Black Swamp Meet

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  • Author
    • #24178
      Al Myers

        Black Swamp Meet

      • #24201
        Denny Habecker

          I just returned from the Black Swamp Meet. It was a great meet with a lot of new lifters to the All-rounds in it. I was very impressed with Andy Durniat’s one hand Deadlifts. He did 452 lbs with one hand and I think it was 521 with his other hand. There was some impressive lifting by most of the new members also. Scott Schmidt had his usual great meet. I don’t remember ever lifting before so many spectators at an All-round meet before. We lifted outside in the parking lot until the rain forced us inside, about 3/4 of the way through the meet.

        • #24199
          Al Myers

            I’m really glad you were able to attend Denny. I am still waiting on meet results. Also, is anyone going to do a meet report? Al

          • #24197
            Denny Habecker

              I just e-mailed Roger and asked me to send me the results. He did not figure anything out while I was there. It was a good meet, as I said in my previous post, but I don’t remember what actual pondages were lifted by which lifters, although I was impressed by many of the lifts. Scott Schmidt’s and my lifts can’t count as IAWA records though, because when we lifted there were only Roger and whichever one of us that wasn’t lifting, as the judges.

            • #24195

                It was my first USAWA contest – lot’s of fun and very well run. Looking forward to seeing results and perhaps a write up of the event. Andrew is a freak! In a good way of course.

              • #24194
                Al Myers

                  Congrats on doing your first USAWA meet!! I hope to have the meet writeup and results up tomorrow on the website. Being gone this past weekend at York has got me behind!! Al

                • #24191

                    My results are not listed in the meet writeup – I think there were 8 people competing and only 5 results are shown??? Is an update possible please?

                  • #24189
                    Joe Garcia

                      It may be only the people who registered in the USAWA are listed. Did you register and did they send it in?

                    • #24188
                      Al Myers

                        Climber, I received the meet results and I was wondering why only 5 of the 9 competitors were USAWA members? All current USAWA member are listed on the membership roster on the left under “USAWA Information”. The USAWA allows meet directors to let non-members compete in their sanctioned USAWA meets if they want to, but lifters must be USAWA members in order to be listed in the website meet results and eligible for USAWA/IAWA records. Maybe this wasn’t clearly stated at the meet??? I usually give a week buffer zone after a meet in which I will still take in membership applications, but after that I assume that the individual did not want to become a USAWA member. Al

                      • #24186

                          No doubt my fault – I got there late due to having to do a dedication for our towns Medal Of Honor winner that morning. I asked Roger if I was all signed up and ready to go and he said yes. But I still have to take the blame – I would like to join if that’s still possible – assumed I had done so already and didn’t realize that until now when the results came out. Roger had me sign something and I guess I assumed that was it. Let me know if it is too late or not please – it was my error but certainly not intentional. And if not too late how to send the money etc. (Paypal maybe?) Chris Rice

                        • #24184
                          Al Myers

                            Chris, Not a problem since everyone wasn’t informed of this ahead of time. Just go to “forms and applications” and fill out both the membership app and drug waiver and send them to me with the membership dues. Once I get them, I wil get you added to the results. Al

                          • #24181

                              Thank you – I’ll get right on it.

                            • #24179

                                Went out in the mail today.

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