BP vs. BP-fia

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    • #36607

        Howdy Y’all,

        I’m wondering if any of you ever figured out how much more you can bench press compared to bench press—feet-in-the-air.

        I’m curious and can’t really test this myself (though I have a rough idea). Reason being, the bench I use is too low, which means I end up with a wicked arch that hurts my lower back. After years of dealing with that I eventually decided that even though regular benching is a more effective exercise, it’s simply not worth it to me. For the last 15 years I’ve benched exclusively with feet-in-the-air.

        So lemme know what you think…


        For Body Intellect Brochure click here: https://www.icloud.com/keynote/0fcsokZWooW_1B1uZmL1AI5fA#BI-DW

        Those who are enamored of practice without science
        are like a pilot who goes onto a ship without rudder or
        compass and never has any certainty to where he is going.

        Leonardo Da Vinci; 1452-1519

      • #36608
        Chad Ullom

          I never really learned how to use leg drive with bench. My heaviest single is actually with my feet in the air.

        • #36609
          Denny Habecker

            I can’t get my feet on the floor any more when I am laying on a bench, so all my benches are done FIA. But ever since I have lifted in the USAWA, I have been able to bench the same with FIA as on the floor.

          • #36612

              I have benched FIA exclusively for a few years now. Could always to a decent amount more dues to stability and leg drive, but the stress on my low back was no longer worth it.

              I'm the lyrical Jesse James

            • #36626

                Wow, I didn’t expect that, you guys. I guess I’m not the only one with the same experience. Thanks for sharing.



                For Body Intellect Brochure click here: https://www.icloud.com/keynote/0fcsokZWooW_1B1uZmL1AI5fA#BI-DW

                Those who are enamored of practice without science
                are like a pilot who goes onto a ship without rudder or
                compass and never has any certainty to where he is going.

                Leonardo Da Vinci; 1452-1519

              • #36687

                  I’m with Chad. I never learned how to use leg drive along with that huge, back-bend type of arch that women in my weight class use.

                  And I’m with Denny that I just couldn’t bend like that anymore, anyway.

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