Covid Home Training

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    • #36681
      Thom Van Vleck

        Just curious how everyone is holding up under the COVID-19 restrictions. While I have a home gym I was training a couple days a week in a regular gym. Mostly doing drills and sprints on the basketball court but also using some of the machines I don’t have at home. It’s times like these I wish I had a bigger gym! I think the thing that I’m most struggling with is staying motivated without a contest to train for.

        Thom Van Vleck
        Jackson Weightlifting Club
        Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

      • #36682

          Ok so far. Have not trained in a commercial gym in over 20 years. Really appreciate what I got now. For me and the kids. Biggest irritation is having to postpone the heavy lift, as training was going pretty good. But I will continue to train like I have meets coming up with the postals and such. Been running more than I have in some time, so that is good. The kids are doing PE every day and loving every minute of it. Some of this is a blessing in disguise.

          I'm the lyrical Jesse James

        • #36683
          Denny Habecker

            I’ve been training at a gym and at home for years now. Now I just do all of it at home. No training partner to talk to between sets, but I actually am having better workouts here than I did at the gym.

          • #36684
            Al Myers

              Things with my training haven’t changed much thru all this …. except for the loss of my training partner LaVerne. I hope he’s doing his pushups and situps while confined to house quarantine.

            • #36686

                I trained at a Rec Center because it was free and I could go during my lunch time. Now, I am putting my 1” plates and barbells to use.

                The hardest part was getting accustom to lifting in my living room, not having a rack, changing weights instead of fixed weights, etc.

                I continue to train for the Postals.

              • #36688

                  I have some equipment at home (a bar, some plates, and an erratic collection of dumbbells), but not much space, so with the gyms closing I’ve been getting creative. Deadlifts and o-lifts are in the kitchen, because it’s the only flat surface with no ceiling fan, but it’s narrow so I can’t do much else there. The bench fits on the back porch, but with no rack the hubby has to hand me the bar once it gets above about 75 pounds. Even though that porch is uneven brick, I squat there too, because it’s the only place my “squat stands” fit – aka 4X4s with a notch cut at the top set in concrete in 5 gallon buckets.

                  I’m still training for the postals, but I also found a strongman competition in October to train for that I probably won’t go to, just to give myself another goal. My yoke is currently 5-gallon buckets filled with water hung on the end of my bar. Can’t wait for the gyms to reopen.

                • #36708
                  Abe Smith

                    Since I am short, I train in the basement. Since work has shut down to alleviate threat of spreading I have been working from home. Actually I made a good thing worse. I started to workout more often with less warm-up time. Started to do things I should not have done on a whim and aggravated some old injuries. Paying the price now. But I will do the postal lifts here shortly. I like Lynda B creativity.

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