Dale Friesz passes

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    • #21865
      John McKean

        Dale Friesz passes

      • #21875
        Chad Ullom

          I just heard this as well. That is sad, Dale will be missed

        • #21874
          Al Myers

            I will pass along more information as it comes. I have visited with Dales’ daughter Pam on the phone, and she said she will let me know when the date/time of the funeral takes place, as well as details of the funeral home.

            Today is a sad day with the loss of Dale. Please keep his family in your prayers. Al

          • #21873
            Tom Ryan

              I am saddened as well. As I posted previously, I spoke with Dale on March 1, just 17 days ago. He sounded okay then. He did tell me, however, that he had been in the hospital and was supposed to still be in the hospital but he convinced his doctor that he could take his medications just as well at home as he could in a hospital.

              The last 5-6 years of his life were very rough and he almost died a few times. He told me that he had three heart attacks, two episodes of congestive heart failure, and of course many infections in addition to what was obviously a fatal infection.

              A very sad day for those of us who knew him, as he leaves us at the age of 72.

            • #21872

                I didn’t know the man, but always sad to hear of another brother of the iron passing away.


              • #21871

                  My condolences go out to friends and family of Dale.

                • #21870


                  • #21869
                    Lance Foster

                      My sympathies go out to Dale’s friends and family.

                      The Gloved One

                    • #21868

                        Condolances. Rest in Peace, Dale

                        I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                      • #21867
                        Thom Van Vleck

                          I would just like to say that Dale was Crazy…but he is my kind of crazy! What I mean by that is I’ve been lifting since 1977 and competing since 1979 and I have no plans on quitting….ever! I will lift up until the day God calls me home and I hope there’s a lifting platform there or in my book that won’t be heaven! Dale was a guy that never quit. Even when he was on his last leg…literally…the guy DID not quit. I know some folks would think that was crazy, but I think it took courage. I recall Michael J. Fox, after he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s doing an interview. After he listed all his projects the reporter said, “shouldn’t someone like you be resting more” and he got mad and looked at her and said, “RESTING FOR WHAT…” He then went on to talk about how he knew he had limited time and he had things to do…well, Dale had things to do. Most guys would have rotted away in some retirement village…Dale had things to do and I respect that. The next time I am too tired, too sore, too something to workout I will think of the great length Dale went to lift and I’ll shut up and train a little harder. I remember reading a saying that went like this, “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to slide in sideways, totally worn out, shouting “Holy &hit, what a ride!” That was Dale and some day (hopefully in about another 30 or so years) it will be me! I am a Christian, I believe in heaven, and I see Dale young, strong, and working on his Clean and Jerk. One of my favorite lines for “Gladiator” is, “I will see you again…but not yet, not yet”.

                          Thom Van Vleck
                          Jackson Weightlifting Club
                          Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                        • #21866
                          Denny Habecker

                            Dale will be missed. I remember the first few years I lifted in the USAWA, Dale and I were in the same age group and weight class and we had some great battles. He was always there to give you advice and encourgement. He was a great competitor and a realy great and couragous man.

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