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    • #36719

        Sorry to read about the passing of your friend. RIP Dick Durante

        I'm the lyrical Jesse James

      • #36720
        Denny Habecker

          Thanks Eric.

        • #36755

            Sad news, Denny.

            My best friend and training partner, Whitey, who died unexpectedly last Sept., and I trained at the Gold Plate Gym in Norristown. We competed in a powerlifting meet they put on in the basement of the church there. Those were the days when the bar was still simply loaded up in weight and I remember starting my DL at 9 PM. I don’t think we got done till midnight. Anyway, as I remember, and my memory is admittedly foggy, Vernacchio and Durante were there judging. They had big names even in PL circles.


            For Body Intellect Brochure click here:

            Those who are enamored of practice without science
            are like a pilot who goes onto a ship without rudder or
            compass and never has any certainty to where he is going.

            Leonardo Da Vinci; 1452-1519

          • #36756
            Denny Habecker

              Yes, I believe they could have been, John and Dick competed in Olympic and Powerlifting. My first meet at the Holy Savior Club had over 100 lifters. We didn’t finish lifting until about 1 AM. Then they had the bodybuilding contest after that.

            • #36763

                So how did you place in the bodybuilding contest? 🙂


                For Body Intellect Brochure click here:

                Those who are enamored of practice without science
                are like a pilot who goes onto a ship without rudder or
                compass and never has any certainty to where he is going.

                Leonardo Da Vinci; 1452-1519

              • #36764
                Denny Habecker

                  I had given up on bodybuiling by then.

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