Extreme chinning

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    • #22124
      Timo Lauttamus

        Extreme chinning

      • #22152




        • #22151

            Impressive, Timo!

            And here I thought “extreme chinning” was something you’d see at an all-you-can-eat buffet in America!

          • #22150
            Timo Lauttamus

              Thanks guys 🙂

              that was done without wire, not sure about this 😆

              Outdoor is better than indoor 🙂

            • #22149
              Chad Ullom

                That is extremely impressive Timo! Holy cow. And where are your shoes!

              • #22148

                  Simply amazing stuff Timo. How tall are you? By the way your middle finger Deadlift video is unreal!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=c5gEAM7C2JM

                • #22147
                  Timo Lauttamus

                    [b]Quote from chadul79 on January 19, 2013, 06:59[/b]
                    That is extremely impressive Timo! Holy cow. And where are your shoes!

                    Thanks Chad,

                    i decided to leave shoes inside and add small disc to my belt 🙂 Actually it was quite warm at Jan 1st, 36F exactly steel wasn’t in ice 🙂 I didn’t find any good spot from gym, so i decide to do it outdoors.

                  • #22146
                    Timo Lauttamus

                      [b]Quote from 61pwcc on January 19, 2013, 08:13[/b]
                      Simply amazing stuff Timo. How tall are you? By the way your middle finger Deadlift video is unreal!![url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=c5gEAM7C2JM[/url]

                      Thanks 🙂

                      i’m 186cm guess 6′ 1″

                      Definitely ‘big MFDL’ is one of my goals, i was doing that set when visiting my friend at last august, he had brand new IWF set, a bit easier to lift comparing my gym set. Btw, what’s your name? Your username doesn’t really tell 🙂

                    • #22145

                        The name is James Fuller and am humbled by you repping out with my MAX on the middle finger Deadlift. Can you hook grip a 2″ bar?

                      • #22144
                        Timo Lauttamus

                          [b]Quote from 61pwcc on January 19, 2013, 19:23[/b]
                          The name is James Fuller and am humbled by you repping out with my MAX on the middle finger Deadlift. Can you hook grip a 2″ bar?

                          Nice to know you James.

                          I like reps in my training, a bit safer way to do workload.

                          I can slightly hook 2″ bar, but never tried to lift with hook, because in grip comps i’ve been, only DO DL was allowed, and i don’t have 2″ bar at gym, never had chance to really test it. Next time when i’ll meet axle, for sure i will take a shot with hook.

                        • #22143

                            So, Timo, do you Snatch with a DO grip? Speaking of DO, I think Goerner could do a Middle Finger Deadlift in DO style with 308lbs!! Have you tried this??
                            I think you’re smart to train the middle finger lifts with reps….makes sense.

                          • #22142
                            Timo Lauttamus

                              [b]Quote from 61pwcc on January 20, 2013, 16:10[/b]
                              So, Timo, do you Snatch with a DO grip? Speaking of DO, I think Goerner could do a Middle Finger Deadlift in DO style with 308lbs!! Have you tried this??
                              I think you’re smart to train the middle finger lifts with reps….makes sense.

                              Haven’t been doing snatches so far, but now after Gold Cup i started to learn hook grip with regular DL, and it’s really going forward.

                              What i’ve been trying DO style middle finger deadlift, i would say i can do only half of reverse grip with high revolving bar, of course if bar is a bit stiff then more than half.

                              Never heard how Hermann Goerner did his 308# middle finger deadlift, if DO massive!! if reverse just warm up lift for him. But i’ve seen old picture about his 595# four finger deadlift, which is greatest strength feat of history in my view.

                            • #22141

                                Wow-pretty impressive

                                I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                              • #22140
                                Timo Lauttamus

                                  [b]Quote from KCSTRONGMAN on January 21, 2013, 11:30[/b]
                                  Wow-pretty impressive

                                  Thanks buddy,

                                  i like those different grip variation OACs, nice challenges for aging man.

                                • #22139

                                    Just rechecked the Goerner DO Middle Finger Deadlift. He did 220lbs. in DO style whereas his mixed grip style 308.25lbs. I feel a little better about that.

                                  • #22138
                                    Al Myers

                                      I’ve always felt Goerners 308# MF deadlift reported by Mueller was a sub-maximal effort for him, compared to the other finger lifting marks he set. However, I still say its the mark to bet to truly call yourself “a great finger lifter”.

                                      Timo – I hope you set your focus on the MF DL and put up a huge lift at a big meet with it, like the Gold Cup. I know you are capable of excess of 400 lbs after seeing how easily you lifted that 127.5 kg Index Finger DL in Scotland.

                                      Great discussion guys!!! Al

                                    • #22137
                                      Timo Lauttamus

                                        [b]Quote from 61pwcc on January 30, 2013, 23:38[/b]
                                        Just rechecked the Goerner DO Middle Finger Deadlift. He did 220lbs. in DO style whereas his mixed grip style 308.25lbs. I feel a little better about that.

                                        Even 220lbs DO is big, and heard also they changed thickness of olympic bar from 30mm to 28mm somewhere thirties when Goerner was in his prime. Anyway, even if he lifted his 308lbs lift with old 30mm bar, still i believe it must have been sub max. lift, i would say 30mm bar is 50-70lbs harder than new 28mm bar.

                                      • #22136
                                        Timo Lauttamus

                                          [b]Quote from dinoman on January 31, 2013, 10:14[/b]
                                          I’ve always felt Goerners 308# MF deadlift reported by Mueller was a sub-maximal effort for him, compared to the other finger lifting marks he set. However, I still say its the mark to bet to truly call yourself “a great finger lifter”.

                                          Timo – I hope you set your focus on the MF DL and put up a huge lift at a big meet with it, like the Gold Cup. I know you are capable of excess of 400 lbs after seeing how easily you lifted that 127.5 kg Index Finger DL in Scotland.

                                          Great discussion guys!!! Al

                                          Yes Sir,

                                          MFDL is my next goal and i want to do work for it, having little issue to set bar now, because my right ring finger is injured and thicker than usual, but i feel it’s gonna be okay in next few weeks, then ready for harder training.

                                        • #22135

                                            408lbs set in the 70’s in New York by a German gentleman??

                                          • #22134
                                            Timo Lauttamus

                                              [b]Quote from 61pwcc on January 31, 2013, 19:38[/b]
                                              408lbs set in the 70’s in New York by a German gentleman??

                                              I’ve been reading about John McLoughlin’s 411lbs MFDL @198lbs, story was telling about year 1954 in NY. His name sounds more American than German.

                                              David Horne has IAWA record 403lbs also in 198lbs weight class.

                                              These are huge lifts for anyone and specially for weight class lifters.

                                            • #22133

                                                Timo, after watching your middle finger pullup, I noticed that your middle fingers are a kilometer long!! You could probably MFD with a 32mm bar easily!! I imagine you’ll pull a hell of alot more than 400lbs on the MFD when all is said and done.

                                              • #22132
                                                Timo Lauttamus

                                                  [b]Quote from 61pwcc on February 1, 2013, 06:36[/b]
                                                  Timo, after watching your middle finger pullup, I noticed that your middle fingers are a kilometer long!! You could probably MFD with a 32mm bar easily!! I imagine you’ll pull a hell of alot more than 400lbs on the MFD when all is said and done.


                                                  i have long middle fingers, i’ve met only three persons in my life with longer fingers than me, my father is one and one Estonian giant and also one man in my home village.

                                                  I’ve been doing weighted two middle finger chin up sets in one east african gym using 35mm bar and 60lbs belt, so 32mm DL bar wouldn’t be issue for myself, but of course much harder than 28mm olympic bar.

                                                  Definitely i look up to +411lbs MFDL, very challenging but possible.

                                                • #22131

                                                    I noticed my OVERALL grip strength leapt forward when I added MFD. If you are going to focus on one finger, then the middle one seems to have the most carry over to full hand grip strength. Do you agree??
                                                    What do you think of George Olsen(Denmark) doing a One Hand Middle Finger Deadlift with 703lbs.? He was featured in Ironman magazine back in the 90’s. Seems phenomenal to me.

                                                  • #22130

                                                      I’ve kinda gone the opposite of the 35mm bar(show off!!). As a painter, I handle ALOT of paint cans. The handle is a wire that is 2mm or thereabouts. I do swings with just the middle finger. I also see how many cans I can hold in the crease of the 1st and 2nd joint of all five fingers. I will get to the point of weighing down the cans and do MFD. Sound like fun?

                                                    • #22129
                                                      Timo Lauttamus

                                                        [b]Quote from 61pwcc on February 1, 2013, 16:12[/b]
                                                        I noticed my OVERALL grip strength leapt forward when I added MFD. If you are going to focus on one finger, then the middle one seems to have the most carry over to full hand grip strength. Do you agree??
                                                        What do you think of George Olsen(Denmark) doing a One Hand Middle Finger Deadlift with 703lbs.? He was featured in Ironman magazine back in the 90’s. Seems phenomenal to me.


                                                        when middle finger gets stronger also your whole hand is getting stronger, i see correlation, but with two different individuals can’t compare, some of us sets big numbers with middle finger lifts and some of us with whole hand lifts.

                                                        What i think about those phenomenal +600lbs one finger lift numbers? I think they had very suitable type of ring and they used also thigh when lifting, but to do one finger lift sumo style without leg support is totally different lift, even 300lbs is massive, just think like that because Goerner lifted 734lbs sand stone with whole hand, and that’s massive in my view 🙂

                                                        I was using that 35mm pull up bar, because they didn’t have any other, but 2mm ring sounds painful, anyway good to do lot of variations for fingers.

                                                      • #22128

                                                          Timo, how’s this for old school middle finger chins??http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=qbfSIGZyPOE

                                                        • #22127
                                                          Timo Lauttamus

                                                            [b]Quote from 61pwcc on February 3, 2013, 16:13[/b]
                                                            Timo, how’s this for old school middle finger chins??[url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=qbfSIGZyPOE[/url]

                                                            That’s big finger pull for light lifter, i’ve done +124lbs @217lbs with two middle fingers, but i did it with underhand which is a bit easier, it was 2009 just when i started grip training.

                                                          • #22126

                                                              Timo, you are one strong MF(Muscle Freak)!!

                                                            • #22125
                                                              Timo Lauttamus

                                                                [b]Quote from Timo Lauttamus on February 4, 2013, 14:06[/b]
                                                                [quote][b]Quote from 61pwcc on February 3, 2013, 16:13[/b]
                                                                Timo, how’s this for old school middle finger chins??[url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=qbfSIGZyPOE[/url]

                                                                That’s big finger pull for light lifter, i’ve done +124lbs @217lbs with two middle fingers, but i did it with underhand which is a bit easier, it was 2009 just when i started grip training.

                                                                Start of vid is my +124lbs middle fingers chin up

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