Finger DL numbers?

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    • #22900
      Timo Lauttamus

        Finger DL numbers?

      • #22913

          Welcoem here Timo. I assume Al or Joe G could answer your question

          I'm the lyrical Jesse James

        • #22912
          Timo Lauttamus

            [b]Quote from KCSTRONGMAN on April 27, 2012, 14:32[/b]
            Welcoem here Timo. I assume Al or Joe G could answer your question

            Thanks ET,

            looking forward to see numbers 😛

          • #22911

              OK-here is what I found. Consider them unofficial because they are coming from me and from something other than the official USAWA record list, but I thought I’d give you an idea




              251 lbs

              Ciavattone, Frank


              2002 U.S. Marine Open





              200 lbs

              Durniat, Andrew


              2010 Grip Challenge





              400 lbs

              Fulton, Kevin


              99 Super Grip





              285 lbs

              Fulton, Kevin


              2000 Goerner Deadlift Doz

              Hope this helps and at least gives you something to compare with

              I'm the lyrical Jesse James

            • #22910
              Timo Lauttamus

                [b]Quote from KCSTRONGMAN on April 28, 2012, 09:03[/b]
                OK-here is what I found. Consider them unofficial because they are coming from me and from something other than the official USAWA record list, but I thought I’d give you an idea
                DEADLIFT, FINGERS, INDEX




                [b]251 lbs[/b]

                Ciavattone, Frank


                2002 U.S. Marine Open





                [b]200 lbs[/b]

                Durniat, Andrew


                2010 Grip Challenge





                [b]400 lbs[/b]

                Fulton, Kevin


                99 Super Grip

                DEADLIFT, FINGERS, RING




                [b]285 lbs[/b]

                Fulton, Kevin


                2000 Goerner Deadlift Doz

                Hope this helps and at least gives you something to compare with

                Thanks ET,

                very helpful to compare. Absolutely huge numbers of middle, ring and little fingers, very inspiring.
                I have very thick index fingers, maybe that’s why i’m able to do big numbers in my training.
                Lot of work to do with my other ‘skinny’ fingers.

              • #22909
                Al Myers

                  Welcome to the forum Timo!

                  I have done some research on this. These are the absolute best marks in the IAWA record list (considered the World Records):

                  DL – index: 113.8 kg by Frank Ciavattone
                  DL – Little: 88.5 kg by Kevin Fulton
                  DL – Middle: 182.5 kg by David Horne
                  DL – Ring: 129.3 kg by Kevin Fulton

                  If you are interested in seeing all the IAWA World Records they are available on the IAWA website (look under links on this website). It lists all the individual weight and age class records.

                  I personally invite you to the IAWA Gold Cup in Glasgow, Scotland next fall to do a record lift. As far as I know, the IAWA has never had a lifter from Finland compete in an IAWA event. Al

                • #22908
                  Timo Lauttamus

                    [b]Quote from dinoman on April 29, 2012, 13:16[/b]
                    Welcome to the forum Timo!

                    I have done some research on this. These are the absolute best marks in the IAWA record list (considered the World Records):

                    DL – index: 113.8 kg by Frank Ciavattone
                    DL – Little: 88.5 kg by Kevin Fulton
                    DL – Middle: 182.5 kg by David Horne
                    DL – Ring: 129.3 kg by Kevin Fulton

                    If you are interested in seeing all the IAWA World Records they are available on the IAWA website (look under links on this website). It lists all the individual weight and age class records.

                    I personally invite you to the IAWA Gold Cup in Glasgow, Scotland next fall to do a record lift. As far as I know, the IAWA has never had a lifter from Finland compete in an IAWA event. Al

                    Thanks Al,

                    great info you’re giving. Scotland is not far from Finland, actually last october (WSH leg3) i was visiting David Horne, really liked United Kingdom. This year i’m travelling to Kenya at june, but i’ll be back around july 15th. If i understood fall means time between september and november, it’s really possible to be in Scotland.

                    Btw, i have quite new youtube channel: 19Kamau79

                    My last upload is that Index fingers DL 288lbs/130,8kg
                    I videod it at Goerner’s birthday April 13th as tribute.

                    If you mind, take a look and see is my lift going even near as rules says 😛


                  • #22907
                    Al Myers

                      Timo, I watched your YouTube video of your index fingers deadlift. HUGE LIFT!!! You are well within the rules of the IAWA in the video (plus you held the weight at the top WAY beyond what is required!!). As easy as that looked, you should be over 300# very soon.

                      I also watched your video of the weighted chair split. You have amazing flexibility. Have you ever tried the Van Dam Lift??? Al

                    • #22906
                      Timo Lauttamus

                        [b]Quote from dinoman on April 29, 2012, 17:17[/b]
                        Timo, I watched your YouTube video of your index fingers deadlift. HUGE LIFT!!! You are well within the rules of the IAWA in the video (plus you held the weight at the top WAY beyond what is required!!). As easy as that looked, you should be over 300# very soon.

                        I also watched your video of the weighted chair split. You have amazing flexibility. Have you ever tried the Van Dam Lift??? Al

                        Thanks Al,

                        we have one Ironmind approved referee (Kimmo Kokko) in Finland who is judging Apollon axle lifts and RT lifts. He has very strict line, no over second lasting hold on top = no lift. Actually did my hold because him. Another IM referee (Jyrki Rantanen) he is judging totally different way, sometimes even without locking on top!! We’ve been having lot of discussion on our national forum, how to judge these lifts.

                        I think USAWA and IAWA are having long history of judging all kind of deadlifts. I believe it’s never too easy, but experience of years makes it a bit easier.

                        At the moment i do sets and reps in my finger training, so i will save 300lbs Index fingers DL for later. I always use reps to build ‘foundation’ for heavier lifts.

                        I checked video of Rob Van Dam lift. Of course i can do Van Dam lift, but not with additional 166lbs like he does 😛 it was very impressive feat of Rob Van Dam.


                      • #22905
                        Adam Glass

                          Wow those are some big lifts on the records. Is this event done with a mixed grip or a double overhand grip?

                        • #22904
                          Timo Lauttamus

                            [b]Quote from Adam Glass on May 1, 2012, 00:24[/b]
                            Wow those are some big lifts on the records. Is this event done with a mixed grip or a double overhand grip?

                            Easy Q, i can give an answer, it’s mixed grip for those recs.

                            Last year David Horne organize one contest in UK. They had middle fingers DL with overhand grip event. If i remember right Nick won it, he managed something a bit over 200lbs.

                            Obviously high revolving bar is very hard to lift with overhand grip. Using mixed grip knurling helps a bit, but revolving is not issue.

                            Adam, you should try this stuff, you could like it?


                          • #22903
                            Adam Glass

                              [b]Quote from Timo Lauttamus on May 1, 2012, 00:52[/b]
                              [quote][b]Quote from Adam Glass on May 1, 2012, 00:24[/b]
                              Wow those are some big lifts on the records. Is this event done with a mixed grip or a double overhand grip?

                              Easy Q, i can give an answer, it’s mixed grip for those recs.

                              Last year David Horne organize one contest in UK. They had middle fingers DL with overhand grip event. If i remember right Nick won it, he managed something a bit over 200lbs.

                              Obviously high revolving bar is very hard to lift with overhand grip. Using mixed grip knurling helps a bit, but revolving is not issue.

                              Adam, you should try this stuff, you could like it?



                              I will give it a go this week. My new favorite lift is a Jefferson with the Ironmind Eagle loops, here is a 320.4 kg lift tonight

                            • #22902
                              Timo Lauttamus

                                [b]Quote from Adam Glass on May 1, 2012, 21:55[/b]
                                [quote][b]Quote from Timo Lauttamus on May 1, 2012, 00:52[/b]
                                [quote][b]Quote from Adam Glass on May 1, 2012, 00:24[/b]
                                Wow those are some big lifts on the records. Is this event done with a mixed grip or a double overhand grip?

                                Easy Q, i can give an answer, it’s mixed grip for those recs.

                                Last year David Horne organize one contest in UK. They had middle fingers DL with overhand grip event. If i remember right Nick won it, he managed something a bit over 200lbs.

                                Obviously high revolving bar is very hard to lift with overhand grip. Using mixed grip knurling helps a bit, but revolving is not issue.

                                Adam, you should try this stuff, you could like it?



                                I will give it a go this week. My new favorite lift is a Jefferson with the Ironmind Eagle loops, here is a 320.4 kg lift tonight

                                I watched your vid of Jefferson, looks perfect training for Dinnie Stones. Must be painful to use whole hand and eagle loops!!

                                My personal opinion with finger deads is to do lot of warm ups. Of course skin tearing is happening even in warm ups, but i see it’s a bit safer that way.


                              • #22901
                                Timo Lauttamus

                                  It’s been a time since my last post, but i have new training numbers to share.

                                  I was visiting my friend at saturday and he had Leoko IWF set with 28mm bar, i think only our swedish friends Eleiko can produce better than that (London olympics 2012)

                                  Difference with my 29mm IPF bar was almost +10% for other fingers, except index fingers as usual.

                                  I managed some good numbers, even my long term Little fingers DL goal over my BW. It was 209lbs at 206lbs, certainly was happy about that!!

                                  Then i had plans to do set of Middle fingers DL with 319lbs, but my friend we’re joking about his 330lbs ‘gym record’ He told me can’t leave before lifting more than that, then we loaded 341lbs / 155kg for reps, managed four reps. After seeing vid looks my lower back and fingers are exactly same level of strength.

                                  Don’t know linking yet, but 19Kamau79 is my Youtube channel, hope vids are inspiring.

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