Frank Ciavattone

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    • #24311
      Steve Angell

        Frank Ciavattone

      • #24341
        John McKean

          Thanks,Steve. That is great news that the procedure went so well. I knew Big Frank was having some problems, but didn’t learn of the surgery until this morning. Ole Frank is tough & a fighter, as proven once again! My prayers continue to be with him!

        • #24339
          Al Myers

            Thanks Steve for giving us that information about Frank. I knew there were concerns but I had no idea he was having surgery. I will be praying for his speedy recovery. Al

          • #24336
            Thom Van Vleck

              Wow! Good news on the surgery. I understand his reaction of “Well see” when I was bugging him about coming to Nationals in Kirksville.

              I have not got to meet Frank in person, I hope to have that privilege one day soon!

              Thom Van Vleck
              Jackson Weightlifting Club
              Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

            • #24334
              Al Myers

                When Steve said Frank was “a true ambassador for all that is good in weightlifting” – that sums Frank up to a tee. As most of you know Frank promoted the Gold Cup last fall. Afterwards, he held the banquet at HIS HOUSE!! His family prepared the most wonderful meal you could imagine, and Frank was an exemplary host. Everyone had a great time. I left this event proud to be part of the USAWA and getting the privilege of becoming friends with outstanding individuals like Frank Ciavattone. Al

              • #24331
                Chad Ullom

                  Well said Al. I’ve really enjoyed getting to visit with Frank the last couple of years. I’m glad he’s getting back into it! He has a ton of knowledge and has helped me out on several occasions. I’ll be praying for a quick recover Frank!

                • #24330
                  Al Myers

                    Chad, Last summer at Nationals when you,myself and Frank all lifted over 350 pounds in the one arm deadlift was a memory I will never forget. We will look back at that with fond memories – especially getting to share the platform with THE MAN in the one arm deadlift – Frank Ciavattone! The best of ALL-TIME!!!! Al

                  • #24327
                    Al Myers

                      I just thought of another interesting story concerning Frank.

                      Last fall at the Gold Cup which Frank promoted Chad and I did a 2-man one-arm deadlift to honor Frank for his contribution to the one-arm deadlift and everything he has done to support and promote the sport of All-Round Weightlifting. We made this known to Frank and just a few others. I knew Chad and I had 700# in the bank, but when we got to 800# I was a little concerned. I had ABSOLUTE confidence that Chad would hold up his end of the bargain (or his end of the bar in this case) but my share at 400 pounds was going to push me to my limit. My best one-arm deadlift up to that point was only 375 pounds. Right before we got ready to go Frank commented to me that he had confidence that we would get the lift, and gave us a final bit of encouragement. That was pressure I didn’t need to be burdened with at that point!!! I just thought to myself – I can’t let Frank, the one-arm deadlift LEGEND down now!! Thankfully, we got the lift!!! But this sums up how Frank is at meets – always supportive of the other athletes and always helps ANYONE who needs help. Al

                    • #24325
                      Tom Ryan

                        As many of you know, Frank almost died from cancer when he was in his 20s. Fortunately, he recovered and went on to become one of the USAWA’s brightest stars, both as a competitor and as a meet promoter. Prior to that, he was a very good Olympic lifter and all-around strongman, having won the Strongest Man in New England competition multiple times. What is perhaps not well known is his cancer surgery did affect his performance in certain lifts, as he mentioned to me about 20 years ago. He was cancer-free for 30 years or so and hopefully he will have the same good fortune after this surgery.

                      • #24323
                        Joe Garcia

                          Here is hoping for a full recovery for Frank. I’ll echo the sentiments of all here about the type of guy he is.

                        • #24321

                            i’ve never met frank but i can tell from the record books that he’s a great athlete, & i can tell from how he is spoken of here that he’s a great guy as well. all the best to him & his family.


                          • #24319
                            Ben Edwards

                              Glad to hear Frank’s recovering from his surgery and I hope they got all the cancer and that he never has to deal with that again. Haven’t got to meet him yet but I’d like to one of these days.


                            • #24317

                                Hello, This is Franks son Jeff. I just wanted to say thankyou for all your support! His surgery went perfect and my dad is home and on the road to recovery. He will be back lifting as soon as he can. I showed him this forum and it meant alot to him. THANKYOU!

                              • #24315
                                John McKean

                                  Hi Jeff, Thanks for the update & great news!! Tell the ole man to run downstairs and get in a workout,now!! Happy Easter! JOHN

                                • #24313

                                    Hi All, I to would like to thank you for your kind words and support for my Brother Frank, as I have said to Al before there’s no other association like this one.I’m proud to say that me and my family are part of it and to know we have friends like all of you.Thanks again for all your support and healthy training. Thanks Joe Ciavattone Sr.

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