Great Worlds!

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    • #26202
      Al Myers

        I just got back from an outstanding IAWA World Championships in Glasgow, Scotland. David MacFadzean and the Castlemilk Gym AGAIN put on a great promotion for IAWA. There was great lifting all about – with Mark Haydock winning the overall best lifter award. I’ll do a full writeup later for the website, but highlights were:
        – Mark winning the first perpetual trophy for best lifter, presented by David MacFadzean
        – Art Montini lifting outstanding on his 88th Birthday
        – the many great lifts by the women lifters. This World Meet may have had the most ever women entered (I’ll have to check the past results for sure to confirm this)
        – The GREAT banquet afterwards!
        – Getting to meet up again with many friends! That’s the best part of our organization.

      • #26203

          Sounds awesome. I look forward to the write-up!

          I'm the lyrical Jesse James

        • #26229

            Yes! A very exciting World’s for the women.

            Also very proud to have Art representing. Very few organizations has anyone lifting in their 8th decade let alone competing at Worlds. I really think that says a lot!

            • #26230

                Yes! A very exciting World’s for the women.

                Also very proud to have Art representing. Very few organizations have anyone lifting in their 8th decade let alone competing at Worlds. I really think that says a lot!

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