You sayin’ I shouldn’t listen to my ‘dick’??
We’ve all heard stories of the Phantom Lifter. You know the one: Still cut to shreds after Thanksgiving,Christmas and New Years, Benches 400+,Squats 600+,usually a cousin to the storyteller. Friend of mine manages a local gym. Been hearing ’bout so and so’s cousin in the Marine Corps, almost makes it in for a workout while home for the holidays,year after year. Big,cut and strong…yada,yada,yada. The guy makes it in and IS big,cut and STRONG!! Manager friend of mine spots him(not that he needed it) for sets of eight on the bench with 405. Next time in, guy is squatting 600 for fives. This would be the ONLY time in 29 years of lifting, I’ve know the Phantom Lifter to show up!!