Having competitive kids

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    • #23067

        Having competitive kids

      • #23072

          RULES COUNT!!

        • #23071

            She knows now, and I think it confused her a little bit since it was at our gym and not at a traditional competition. I was actually proud of her for getting that worked up, shows how much it means to her. But she does know not to do it at a regular competition.

          • #23070
            Thom Van Vleck

              …..so does she take after he Dad or her Mom!

              Thom Van Vleck
              Jackson Weightlifting Club
              Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

            • #23069

                She is a mix of both of us that is for sure, my wife and I are both very competitive at what we do, but we also like to get credit for something we do and can get very pissed if you we don’t. I have never got in trouble at a meet, but I have come close. One time I locked out a 600# deadlift at a powerlifting meet and my gripped gave out right as the Judge was about to give me the down command so the bar dropped from lockout. The meet director was ready to kick me out, until I explained that my grip just gave out at the top for some odd reason. The funniest part about it was bar got bent, so he is all mad about that until I reminded him that it was my damn bar so if anybody was gonna be mad it was me. Then we had a good laugh.


              • #23068
                Al Myers

                  Jesse, I enjoyed watching Gabby lift at my record day. I could tell she was very intense and focused on her lifting. That quality will take her far in weightlifting, or any sport for that matter. My 3 daughters are vastly different in their attitude towards sports. My oldest daughter is such a perfectionist that she got her enjoyment from being successful, and doing the things needed to make her excel at whatever sport she did. My middle daughter is a gifted athlete, but isn’t as competitive minded. She does sports to spend time with her friends. My youngest daughter Molly truly enjoys any sport she does for the enjoyment of the sport. She always has a smile on her face as she competes, and never seems to get upset no matter how things turn out. Al PS I’m proud of all three of them!!!

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