I am jealous of those awards

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    • #23168

        I am jealous of those awards

      • #23174

          I am glad I am the benchmark for crappy grip (LOL). Those awards are sweet.

          I'm the lyrical Jesse James

        • #23173
          Chad Ullom

            Those are great awards….if ET is the benchmark for crappy grip, I come in solidly below the crappy line!

          • #23172
            Al Myers

              Grip is a funny thing. I don’t consider myself a “grip guy” by any means, but certain types of grip strength I am better at than others. We often do grip type lifts at the end of our training sessions in the Dino Gym to just mess around – and most of the time Scott & Mark dominate things. Both have unbelieveable pinch grips. But OCCASSIONALLY in certain grip lifts I can give them a little competition!!!

              I guess the point I’m trying to make is that you can’t say you have a “bad grip”, because I’m sure there is some type of grip lift you would excel at. Al

            • #23171
              Travis Willingham

                You’d think there was a flood coming with all the sandbagging going on

              • #23170

                  HAHAHAHAHAHAHA… WELL DONE!!!

                • #23169

                    Well I can say compared to the average person I have an excellent grip. And Al I agree there are some lifts I excel at, but lots that I suck at when it comes to grip. ET anytime I can get a shot in at you, I gotta take it when I can.


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