Individual record list

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    • #30019
      John Strangeway

        I wanted to write a quick instructional for the new individual record list.

        Although the first page looks the same as the standard list. There is a new grid layout on the Record Grid tab at the bottom left of the page.

        Page display

        After clicking on this tab you will be presented with a grid layout of the chosen lifts’ records by age and bodyweight.

        Record grid

        At the top left of the sheet there are two drop-down lists to manipulate the grids contents.

        The first drop-down is located in cells F/G2. Clicking this will present a list of the available lifts to see the results of.

        Lift drop-down box

        The second drop-down is located in cell H2. This will display M or F to choose which sex the lift will display the record for.

        Sex drop-down box

        Note if you open the sheet form the website(instead of downloading it to your computer) the updating of the grid when you make a change may take a few seconds since its running off of the server.

        Hope you like this addition!

      • #30023

          Good stuff, SJ! Thank you for doing this.

          I'm the lyrical Jesse James

        • #30028
          Al Myers

            John, Again a BIG THANKS for making this improvement to the USAWA Record List. I know many will really appreciate it. Al

          • #30036
            Thom Van Vleck

              I remember when you had to order the record book and it was huge and almost immediately outdated. This is fantastic.

              Thom Van Vleck
              Jackson Weightlifting Club
              Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

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