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    • #23871
      Thom Van Vleck


        Thom Van Vleck
        Jackson Weightlifting Club
        Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

      • #23893

          i am working hard to make sure this year goes even better than last. it WILL be hot!! let the sweat fest begin!!!

        • #23892
          Tedd Van Vleck

            Will there be golf?

          • #23891

              YES!! only one hole…….THE OUTHOUSE!!!

            • #23890
              Al Myers

                Dave, You forgot the stocktank. I bet Tedd could make that one!! haha

              • #23889

                  we’d have to post a lifeguard!!

                • #23888
                  Al Myers

                    I have my cooler stocked with beverages so I can survive this weekends “sweat fest” at the Ledaig Record Breaker!!! Al

                    I’m looking forward to seeing everyone!!

                  • #23887


                    • #23886
                      Tedd Van Vleck

                        UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!!!!!

                        We want UPDATES!!!!!!!!!!

                      • #23885
                        Thom Van Vleck

                          Chad Ullom won the Open, I won the masters, and Felecia Simms won the Women in the HG.

                          The USAWA Record day on Sunday was attended by Al Myers, Molly Myers, Mike Murdock, Dave Glasgow and Amber Glasgow and myself. Everyone broke records even though it was outside and the temp gauge said it was 108 when I looked at it mid meet! I know a full write up is coming soon, but it was a success with everyone walking away hot, tired, but happy!

                          Thom Van Vleck
                          Jackson Weightlifting Club
                          Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                        • #23884
                          Denny Habecker

                            I would have liked to be there, only the Keystone Games were this weekend and I have lifted in them every year since 1986.

                          • #23883
                            Chad Ullom

                              [b]Quote from JWCIII on July 31, 2011, 20:48[/b]
                              Chad Ullom won the Open, I won the masters, and Felecia Simms won the Women in the HG.

                              The USAWA Record day on Sunday was attended by Al Myers, Molly Myers, Mike Murdock, Dave Glasgow and Amber Glasgow and myself. Everyone broke records even though it was outside and the temp gauge said it was 108 when I looked at it mid meet! I know a full write up is coming soon, but it was a success with everyone walking away hot, tired, but happy!

                              Hey Thommy, you forgot someone! LOL

                            • #23882
                              Chad Ullom

                                We had a fantastic time this weekend! We had great competition, entertainment, awesome BBQ Sat! We broke some records on Sunday then had another fantastic meal. Thank you very much Dave, Gunner and everyone that pitched in.

                                Happy birthday Dave!!!

                              • #23881
                                Al Myers

                                  I second what Chad said! The Glasgows put on ONE FINE SHOW this weekend and I know I sure enjoyed myself! Thank you!!!! Al

                                • #23880

                                    The weekend was HOT, as was the throwing and lifting. Folks, it’s not everyone who gives a present to everyone else for his birthday, but Dave is not everyone, but a special person indeed. HE, and the whole Glasgow clan made it a wonderful weekend, opening their home and their hearts to everyone. THANKS to all of you.


                                  • #23879
                                    Al Myers

                                      Dave set an example of hospitality that will be hard for anyone else to follow. My Dino Days are coming up and now the pressure is on me! During the Saturday evening festivities, Thom looked at me and remarked, “I don’t ever remember there being LIVE MUSIC at the Dino Gym!”

                                      My hat is off to you Dave! Al

                                    • #23878
                                      Thom Van Vleck

                                        Chad, I just figured it would be a given the “Champ” was there!

                                        Thom Van Vleck
                                        Jackson Weightlifting Club
                                        Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                                      • #23877
                                        Tedd Van Vleck

                                          Thom went on and on about this while I was back home…..I am going to have to set aside a weeks vacation for this next year!

                                        • #23876

                                            guys, i have been away from the computer for a few days so i am late responding.

                                            anytime someone puts on an event, that indivdual will start saying, to himself, “wow, i hope i get at least a few to show up!!” there is always doubts and such. when i saw the number of folks who showed up saturday, then, stuck around for sunday, well…… i was just overwhelmed.

                                            when people drive 5/6 hours to be with you and spend vacation time, money, motels…… you get the drift. all i can do is shake my head.

                                            all i can say is this. YOU CAN’T BUY FRIENDSHIP SUCH AS THAT. thank you my, my friends. thank you………

                                            we have set the date for next year’s edition…….14/15 JULY-2012 sat/sunday. be there or be….well……left out!!!


                                          • #23875
                                            Tedd Van Vleck

                                              Very well said Dave, and I have heard enough that I am planning on it. My birthday is July 23rd so we will celebrate together…..maybe I will bring my Green Egg!

                                            • #23874
                                              Thom Van Vleck

                                                I propose a cook off between Tedd and Al on their Green Eggs. The rest of us will be judges. We will have the “Steak Round”, the “Bacon Round”, the “Chicken Round” followed by the “Dessert Round”…..may the best man win!

                                                Thom Van Vleck
                                                Jackson Weightlifting Club
                                                Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                                              • #23873
                                                Al Myers

                                                  GREAT IDEA! (but Tedd would actually have to buy an egg for this to happen)

                                                • #23872
                                                  Tedd Van Vleck

                                                    Oh Al,

                                                    I can’t wait for what is about to come……wait for it…..

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