Lift For Leroy Record Day

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    • #36060
      Ben Edwards

        Eric, there’s a good chance I’ll be able to make it to the LFLRD this year. Is it acceptable if I do loading duties (instead of doing the postal lifts) for the lifters who are doing the postal lifts to get entry into the Record Day part of the festivities? I only have two lifts I’m interested in setting records on. So that part will be pretty easy.

        "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." -Mike Tyson

      • #36061

          More than acceptable, Ben. Look forward to having you here.

          I'm the lyrical Jesse James

        • #36250
          Ben Edwards

            Eric, I saw in your latest blog entry that you said Lift for Leroy is less than 2 weeks away. It’s 4 days away, right? So what you said is correct, but the wording made me worry that maybe I’ve got the wrong Saturday marked down for the postal and record day.

            I’m not doing any of the postal lifts. But I will be a dedicated loader for all of the postal competitors.

            The record day lifts I will be doing are the Fulton Deadlift Ciavattone Grip and Middle Fingers Deadlift. And that (MFDL) only if you have a grippy, sharp bar like the one Al uses at the Dino Gym for MFDL contest time. I plan on taking 2 attempts per lift, pass or fail.

            "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." -Mike Tyson

          • #36255

              Sorry Ben, this Sat. It was 2 weeks away when I wrote it. You are welcome to look over my bars and see if there are any that meet your fancy. See you Sat!

              I'm the lyrical Jesse James

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