Lunks & Meatheads

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    • #23695
      Thom Van Vleck

        Lunks & Meatheads

        Thom Van Vleck
        Jackson Weightlifting Club
        Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

      • #23700
        Thom Van Vleck

          Al, great story, funny stuff.

          I remember the first time I heard about this….I was CERTAIN it was a joke. The reality is that most people that will spend $$$$ will buy into these kinds of places. Most of us are too SMART to buy into memberships to gyms that don’t have the PROPER equipment to get strong.

          I wonder if the ACLU will file a lawsuit on my behalf for discrimination.

          Thom Van Vleck
          Jackson Weightlifting Club
          Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

        • #23699
          John McKean

            Al, A great story!! BUT, with your educated and refined strong men, your place is only a PSEUDO-lunk gym :come to the Ambridge VFW barbell club for the real crude,uneducated, grunting mass of totally unrefined strength-slobs !!

          • #23698
            Al Myers

              John, I’m not gonna argue with you on THAT ONE! I have been to the Ambridge BBC and if I lived anywhere close that would be MY PLACE to train as well. The Ambridge BBC has all the things that inspire me (the old Jackson DBs, the old York Plates and bars, the weathered powercages, etc.), as well as group of lifters that KNOW how to train to get strong.

              I was thinking about the whole “lunk” concept a little more today over lunch. It dawned on me that we are definitely a minority, with my guess less than 1% of all gym goers today. Very few people go to the gym to get stronger nowadays. The Dinoman

            • #23697
              Thom Van Vleck

                We had a wonderful “REAL” gym in Kirksville, called J&R’s Gym owned by Jeff Jacques. When it went under is when I built the first version of the JWC training hall, about 1995. Been training there ever since. No real gyms withing 88 miles of Kirksville….what’s 88 miles away…why Clark’s Gym of course!!!!!

                Thom Van Vleck
                Jackson Weightlifting Club
                Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

              • #23696

                  i was also wondering if the planet fitness people had considered that almost every innovation in exercise science (at least in regards to strength training) has been developed & tested by lunks!

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