Making Weight Part 1…

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    • #23102

        Making Weight Part 1…

      • #23108

          i would be very interested in the temp in relationship to metabolism. i have never heard of this but it makes perfect sense. please expound…

        • #23107

            Rainbow Bend: Take your temp every morning as SOON as you awake. After a week or two, you’ll have a good idea what is your normal temperature upon awaking. When you diet(specifically a calorie reduction diet) your metabolism goes up = internal body temp goes up. Temp will spike when diet is having the most effect(burning most fat). As your thyroid grows stale of the diet, your temp will drift back toward normal. I can’t remember if it is your T3 or T4 that gets depleted. A cheat meal of a pretty good size tends to ‘kickstart’ your thyroid again. Results vary from needing to do this once every 4-7 days. Right back to the diet for the next meal. Temp next time SHOULD be back up. Some may need 2 cheat meals or could get the same result with a smaller cheat meal(what’s the fun in that?). I would err on having the cheat meal SOONER vs later. To wait ‘one more day’ is going to be minimal as far as fat loss is concerned. Get the cheat meal in and get your metabolism back up. The body temp let’s you know where your at. In addition to this, I made sure to check my progress once a week. If I was leaner, I’d add a tablespoon of ground Flax seed to my daily intake to replace lost fat. More fat in the diet = the less my body fought my fat loss efforts.
            This worked well for me back in 2006. Went from 223 lbs to 197 lbs in ’bout 6 weeks. Averaged 4.33lbs/week. Lost a bit too much too soon but, I learned ALOT.

          • #23106
            Thom Van Vleck

              I’m glad I have always lifted heavy weight and the only time I ever had to make weight was to GAIN weight to make my class (which, hard as it is to believe…..I didn’t gain enough weight!!!!) because the only time I have monitored temperature was when my wife and I were in the baby making business!!!!!!

              Thom Van Vleck
              Jackson Weightlifting Club
              Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

            • #23105
              Chad Ullom

                Thom, I think I just threw up in my mouth a little

              • #23104
                Al Myers

                  Business??? So you’re saying someone was getting paid???

                • #23103

                    ok. that’s not funny!!

                    then, again……………HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

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