My Training Adventure in Graduate School

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  • Author
    • #22099
      Mike McIntyre

        My Training Adventure in Graduate School

        Big Mack

      • #22104
        Al Myers

          Great post Mike!!! Posts like this often make front page news of the websites Daily News. Al

        • #22103
          Thom Van Vleck

            ….and you guys didn’t think I had any friends! haha

            Wow, what a great story and it’s all true, if anything, Mike is being modest about his accomplishments. I am honored to be a part of it.

            Thom Van Vleck
            Jackson Weightlifting Club
            Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

          • #22102
            Mike McIntyre

              Thanks guys! I appreciate it and happy to have my story on the webpage!!!

              Big Mack

            • #22101


                GREAT JOB, MIKE!!

              • #22100

                  Great post, Mike. I really respect what you guys are doing down there, and the number of people who you’ve gotten interested in it speaks for itself!

                  I’m in physical therapy school at the University of Nebraska Medical Center and am asked often how I manage to find time to “work out”, to prepare and bring food rather than buy from the convenience store or a fast-food chain, and to get enough sleep in every night (unless there’s an 8:00am test, then I’m just showing up wired!). My responses are always pretty similar: I make time for it.

                  You’re entirely right in that too often students, especially at this strenuous level, have their heads so far buried in books and the “science” of improving the health of others that they either forget or neglect to take care of themselves.

                  Training (whether it be for powerlifting, strongman, or just overall well-being and strength) has taught me so many valuable lessons that have greatly improved my study habits and my performance as a student. Unfortunately, because I hit the gym regularly, eat consistently and well, and tend to avoid things that will deter me from my goals, I think I’m sometimes looked at “cross-eyed”. Shouldn’t it be the other way around? Wouldn’t you expect that from future healthcare providers?

                  Keep doing what you guys are doing over there and I look forward to meeting you at a competition some time!

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