National Championships

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    • #21655
      Denny Habecker

        National Championships

      • #21663
        Chad Ullom

          Denny, did I send mine in yet? If I haven’t, I apologize, I am apparantly having trouble keeping all these straight!

        • #21662
          Denny Habecker

            No Chad, I haven’t received yours yet. So far my entries are Al Myers, Art Montini, Dennis Mitchell, and me.

          • #21661
            Chad Ullom

              I will get it out tomorrow, sorry about the Denny I usually try to do it as soon as they come out!

            • #21660
              Chad Ullom

                How much for the banquet?

              • #21659
                Denny Habecker

                  The meet will be in my back yard again and Judy will be suppying the food. We will have a donation jar for the banquet.

                • #21658
                  Chad Ullom

                    Ok, we will be doing a family vacation so all five will be there(ill give a big tip!). Just talked Bree into lifting! I’ll send a membership form also

                  • #21657
                    Denny Habecker

                      Well, the entry deadline has passed and I have 10 entries [including myself]. I got an e-mail from Joe Ciavattone asking if he and Joe Jr. could still enter by the end of the week if Joe Jr. didn’t have to work. I will except late entries, if I know their coming, till the end of the week. Anyone entering after that can lift, but will not get an award. So far the entries are: Al Myers, Art Montini, Dennis Mitchell, Chad Ullom, Brianna Ullom, James Fuller, Randy Smith, Frank Ciavattone, and Colleen Richards Lane. Because of the small numbers, the meet will be held in my backyard, under a tent again, like the 2010 Nationals.
                      From Judy-
                      Just want all the lifters and their supporters to know that food will be available at our home on Friday evening, after weigh-in Saturday and Sunday, breakfast will be available until half-hour (9:30) before meet start, and Saturday evening a meal will be served. Sunday afternoon- evening a banquet style meal will be served. So Please come to our home to all of the above or whenever you wish. Please, if you can ,let me know when you’ll be attending, so I can be sure to prepare enough food. Also, please let me know of any allergies so I can serve food safely, Thanks See you June 28,29,30, Hope all have a safe trip, There is a Holiday Inn Express about 5 minutes from our home, Phone Number is717-273-9800–2205 East Cumberland Street and a Day’s Inn with phone number–717-273-6771 at 625 Quentin Road which is about 5 miles from our home.

                    • #21656

                        As I will be a first time attendee, does anyone have any advice as to how late should I expect the event / festivities to go on Sunday? I’m trying to decide whether to drive back home that night (about 4-5 hours), or to try to wait until Monday morning.

                        I’ve been following the USAWA for years, and I’m very excited to be attending my first competition, although I won’t actually be competing; Denny has given me permission to record and make a video about the entire event. Although somewhat different from what I plan to do here, if anyone is interested, you can see some videos I made of the NYC Weightlifting Championships promoted by Artie Drechsler this past March at the below links:

               (single competitor narrative video)
               (women and lighter weight men survey video)
               (heavier weight men narrative / survey video)

                        (Other videos, mainly bodybuilding, are on my homepage and Vimeo page.)

                        My plan is to make my video of the USAWA Nationals longer and more in depth than any of the above were, and hopefully include a lot more interviews. (I’ve done a number of other event videos, wholly outside the strength / physique field, that generally include lots of interviews.) During the WL competition, most of the athletes understandably were really focused on competing, but I’m hoping some of you will be interested in sharing your thoughts and insights with me (and my camera). But in any event, I’ll be recording the whole event (and releasing the finished video(s) for free on Vimeo and other streaming sites), and definitely plan and hope to do Denny, the event, and all of you proud.

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