Nationals Was Best Meet Period!!

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    • #21488

        Nationals Was Best Meet Period!!

      • #21492

          I agree with and second all of James’ comments above, and let me also extend my personal thanks to everyone — I had a great time, and really appreciate how welcome everyone made me feel for my first time at a USAWA event, even if I wasn’t actually lifting. I feel like I made many new friends, and can’t wait for an opportunity to see everyone again.

          Also, thanks to Denny for letting me record the event, and to all the lifters who sat down with me for video interviews. I’m just starting the lengthy process of uploading, converting, cataloging, scripting, and finally editing all of the great footage I shot, but I look forward to sharing my work in the coming weeks.

          Finally, while I haven’t had the opportunity to review all of the many hours of footage yet, I’m pretty sure I successfully recorded every lift by every lifter. I likely won’t be including every single lift in the overall event video I prepare, but if anyone wants a very basic video simply of all of their personal lifts, both successes and failures, or just of their highest successful attempt at each lift, send me an email (seth at and I’ll put something together for you — it’s the least I can do after such a great weekend.

          – Seth

        • #21491

            Seth did great!! I was expecting one of two eventualities. One: he listens to us, nods his head alot and shuts the camera off BUT still appears to be filming until the end of meet ceremonies where he then proceeds to beat feet outta there!! Two:right off the bat says,”Oh…I think I forgot some equipment in my car.” and, proceeds to beat feet outta there!!
            He actually STAYED THE WHOLE time!!. Even ATE with us and, you all KNOW how scary that can be!! Not content with that punishment, he stayed to watch us after day’s one lifting as we tried to figure:just how does one do a Pullover and Press-With Wrestler’s Bridge. Anyone that can hang around us without the distraction of competing just may be looney enough to be an All-Rounder!!

          • #21490

              Seth, is there something missing in that email address?? It didn’t work.

            • #21489

                [b]Quote from 61pwcc on July 1, 2013, 20:33[/b]
                Seth, is there something missing in that email address?? It didn’t work.

                Looks right to me … seth -at- (with @ substituted for -at-, obviously). But I have your email address, so I’ll try emailing you right now, and you can just reply to me.

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