Tom, I have the privilege of working out with Eric many times. He is a very strong presser. Eric really muscles stuff up. He was a wrestler in college and he obviously has the upper body strength of a wrestler.
I wish I had a video of Brian Kerby pressing 320 in the strictest fashion you can ever imagine. I do have a photo. He would regularly put a 300lb log overhead in our strongman shows. You have to understand, in our shows you get no warm ups, when it’s time to lift you have to go. Brian would whip that log up so easy it was almost anticlimactic…then one day he did it so easy nobody clapped so Brian then stood on one leg while holding it overhead, then the other leg, then he did a 360 turn and each time the crowd clapped louder and louder. Finally, he stood there for another 60 seconds preaching to the crowd! Most amazing feat of overhead lifting I’ve ever seen! My favorite story on Brian’s pressing power was he showed up at what he thought was a raw power meet only to find bench shirts were allowed….he benched 550 in a tshirt and WON!
Thom Van Vleck
Jackson Weightlifting Club
Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder