Peoples & Prechtel

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    • #23035
      Steve Angell

        When i first saw the picture of Bob Peoples on the home page, i thought it was Howard Prechtel. They look so much alike. Both absolute legends and neither should ever be forgotten!

      • #23032
        Steve Angell

          Peoples & Prechtel

        • #23034
          Al Myers

            I agree!!

            Even though this picture of Bob Peoples was taken when he was older, you can still tell that it is him by his body position. He had the “perfect anatomy” for deadlifting – long arms, high hip base, and shoulders that seem to “lengthen” when the bar is at arms’ length holding a heavy deadlift. This characteristic is also present in the pictures of him pulling when he was younger.

            Bob Peoples did most of his training in his “basement dungeon gym” by himself on his farm. He is PROOF that you don’t need a high-tech fitness center to build good ole fashioned strength!!!! Al

          • #23033
            Thom Van Vleck

              The stuff Bob did would today gotten him kicked out of almost all commercial gyms AND most everyone would have laughed at what he did, claimed it was extremely dangerous, and ridiculed him. There’s a lession in there.

              Thom Van Vleck
              Jackson Weightlifting Club
              Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

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