Power Pulls?

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    • #23824

        Power Pulls?

      • #23826
        Al Myers

          James – I have never done an exercise exactly as you described, but I often do high pulls to cords I have set at 50 inches. If I don’t touch the bar to the elastic cords I don’t count it as a rep (just to keep me honest and my reps the same). I like this lift better than cleans because I’m not limited by my flexibility (lack of that is) and I feel it helps in developing explosive strength off the floor. I use an athletic stance instead of a sumo stance and position my hands in the position of a clean on the bar. I would worry about shoulder impingement becoming a problem using a close grip (much the same as doing upright rows, an exercise I hate) with long term training this way. Just my two cents worth. Al

        • #23825

            sounds like a close grip high pull? never come across exactly that.

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