Pullover Help Wanted

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    • #23862

        Pullover Help Wanted

      • #23868
        Al Myers

          I very rarely do pullovers, and when I do I use my roman chair (with safety bench raised to rest my upper back on) so I can hook my feet. I use big enough plates that I can start on the floor. It’s a great exercise, but when I’m working my upper back I usually rather do rows or pulldowns. Al

        • #23867

            Thanks Al. How hard is it to get a Roman Chair??

          • #23866
            Al Myers

              ABOUT IMPOSSIBLE!

              This piece of equipment is really old-school and not very many gyms even have one, and if they do, it is usually not really a functional Roman Chair to do the lifts we do (most are hyperextensions or a ham-glute machine). I built my own, and added on a back safety bench that I can adjust the height on. Al

            • #23865

                Do you have any pictures you could post of your Roman Chair? How the hell did it get named that anyway??

              • #23864
                Al Myers

                  Let me do a little research on the Roman Chair and I’ll write a blog about it. Great story idea!! Al

                • #23863

                    Don’t know if it’s related to the Half-Moon bench used for Pullovers. Didn’t Dan Lurie used to make one??

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