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  • Author
    • #25322
      Tedd Van Vleck


      • #25334
        Thom Van Vleck

          I would suggest “Round T” or “Kinda Big T” or “Big T, Jr”.

          Al, I laughed my rear off on that one. But really, you can’t call him “little”….well….maybe next to John Conner, but he makes Tully and Mark look little.

          Thom Van Vleck
          Jackson Weightlifting Club
          Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

        • #25333
          Thom Van Vleck

            ….and remember….Brother’s gotta HUG!!!!

            Thom Van Vleck
            Jackson Weightlifting Club
            Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

          • #25332
            Chad Ullom

              Al told me about that months ago, I think I had forgotten. I even tried to bait Tedd into commenting a while back. I had a good laugh when I saw who made those comments! haha!

            • #25331
              Al Myers

                hahahahahahahahahaha IT’S ABOUT TIME YOU POSTED LITTLE T!!! PS Tedd – you CAN edit your own profile yourself if you want too. HAHA

              • #25330
                Ben Edwards

                  Haha! I don’t even know you yet Tedd, but I like your sense of humor.


                • #25329
                  Al Myers

                    Z-WSPNBY9-23???? What kinda of nickname is THAT Tedd???? Sounds to me like some prison ID system. I’m pretty certain you haven’t spent any time in the “BIG HOUSE”, but maybe I don’t know everything. And I really think you are too smart of guy to mistakenly put “your password” in the spot of “your nickname”! You wouldn’t want everyone hacking into your account!!! (Besides me – haha). Al

                  • #25328
                    Tedd Van Vleck

                      That is the name of the fastest and hottest train we run on our entire system. We take UPS traffic from Chicago to California in under 60 hours. This train hauls the equivelent of 300+ semi-trucks that we keep off the interstate with just 2 men/women from origin to destination.

                      So….since I am the fastest and hottest Van Vleck… seemed fitting!

                      My nickname for my dad was “Dash 9” with is the term we call our C44-9W locomotives which are the strongest engines we run on BNSF at 4400 HP.

                    • #25327
                      Thom Van Vleck

                        Gee, Al, I knew what he was talking about. Get with the program! All the Railroaders nickname each other that way.

                        This would also explain why they all call Tedd “Caboose” because he’s always last. HAHAHAHHAHAHHHAAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHHHAHHA

                        Thom Van Vleck
                        Jackson Weightlifting Club
                        Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                      • #25326
                        Tedd Van Vleck

                          Thommy, If you “KNEW” about what the Z WSPNBY9 symbol was about then you would KNOW that we don’t have cabooses anymore! We have “FRED’s” or ETD’s. They are the red flashing light on the box attached to the knuckle of the rear car that communicated to the lead locomotive to maintain air throughout the train to operate the braking system……GEEZ!!!

                          No worries, I will come up with a name for you next!

                        • #25325
                          Thom Van Vleck

                            Hey, let’s not forget it was Al that named you “li’l t” so let’s keep the focus on HIM!!!!!!!!

                            Thom Van Vleck
                            Jackson Weightlifting Club
                            Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                          • #25324
                            Tedd Van Vleck

                              Don’t think I haven’t noticed your continued improvement with the art of deflecting attention!

                              First, you had me absorb the frustration of your wife on the road trip to McPherson…I still don’t know how you managed it….now you are doing the same thing to keep the attention on Big Al!

                              I’m on to you!

                            • #25323
                              Thom Van Vleck

                                I’m innocent! I tell you I was framed! I’m not smart enough to do that. Say, did you notice that Chad was trying to bait you into responding? Whats up with that?

                                Thom Van Vleck
                                Jackson Weightlifting Club
                                Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

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