Sir Lance Alot

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    • #26291

        Dont forget Sir Lance Alot’s Birthday record day next Sat. Please let me know if you plan on attending

        I'm the lyrical Jesse James

      • #26296
        Denny Habecker

          I would love to be there, but I am leaving for Australia for the Gold Cup on the 23rd, and it will too much to try to make the trip to Missouri that close.

        • #26322
          Ben Edwards

            I had a great time at the Record Day yesterday. Thanks to Eric for hosting it and making me feel very welcome in his great training hall! It was great seeing Lance and Dean again, too! I plan on writing a more detailed report on my training blog. Not that there is much to report on my end. My hands did not respond as well as I expected them to.


          • #26323

              It was great to have you here, Ben

              I'm the lyrical Jesse James

            • #26328

                I notice Dean did a Harness Lift of 1,010 lbs. He must love those heavy lifts. I remember seeing him do the Carter Lift with 433 pounds. Big lifts for big men.

                However knowing that he has >226 records, I wonder what lifts he has not done.


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