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    • #25447


      • #25451
        Chad Ullom

          any time Dave!

        • #25450
          Thom Van Vleck

            Al’s the one you got to keep an eye on…haha.

            Thom Van Vleck
            Jackson Weightlifting Club
            Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

          • #25449
            Al Myers

              Dave, If you ever get a Saturday you can make it to the Dino Gym just let me know. I’ll spend “the entire day” training with you doing all of the lifts if you want (and if you put up with all my irrelevant stories I might give up a secret or two!) haha

              I have been wanting to do some instructional videos of the All-Round lifts. I think this would be very helpful to those who haven’t seen the lift before. Videos of meet clips are great, but would even be better if instructional audio was added to the videos. If anyone is interested in helping with this, please let me know. We have our YouTube account (USAWAVideos) directly linked to the website and would be the perfect place for these videos. Al

            • #25448

                that’s primo, al!! i will make a point of coming up.

                the instructional vids would be a fantastic idea!

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