The end of PL USA

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    • #22866
      Al Myers

        The end of PL USA

      • #22871

          Yeah, I was disappointed to see that as well. One of the only good strength mags out there

          I'm the lyrical Jesse James

        • #22870
          Thom Van Vleck

            Me, too, Al. I started subscribing in 1988 and had a subscription until 2000. I had a buddy that got it and would give me his old issues from time to time after that. I had a couple of the early copies from way back that John Ware gave me. I remember my grandfather had a brief career as a professional musician. For a couple years he said he played full time. Then radio came out and he said it killed their business. Why pay them to play when they could get it on the radio for free! Same thing is happening to these places. I mean, really, we put all kinds of info on this website and for nothing. I get paid when I put something in MILO and other publications. I sometimes wonder if people take all that for granted. Well….I don’t wonder….I know.

            Thom Van Vleck
            Jackson Weightlifting Club
            Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

          • #22869

              Here is the problem with that-for someone old fashioned like me. I enjoy reading stuff on the internet. I do. But it is not the same as sitting in my easy chair of an evening with a stiff drink and my paper copy of a publication. That is why I dropped milo. I was not about to pay the same price for a publication to read it online that I was already paying to have my published copies on the shelf. I still have all those-I own them and can reference them at any time. I still have most of my old copies of Clark’s newsletter, and reference those fom time to time as well. So, for better or worse, while I will read the internet regularly, I am not going to give up my paper copies of literature. I still have a folder with all my copies of “The Avil” and “The Braemar Tablet” (I think that was what it was called) by T VanV as well

              I'm the lyrical Jesse James

            • #22868
              Steve Angell

                Powerlifting USA was my coach as well Al. I subscribed in the 80’s and read every issue cover to cover. I still have John Gambles percentage peaking formula table. I used this for just about every lift i competed on. I stopped subscribing once the WPO took prominence in the pwerlifting world as it (PL USA) (To Me) felt like i was reading a WWE magazine.

                I made the same decision last year to stop buying Milo. This magazine was the best out there in the 90’s and early 00’s, but again, i feel it’s best years have now gone.

                Now the only strength related material i read is on this site.

              • #22867

                  ET…….WELL PUT!!

                  STEVE….I stopped subscribing once the WPO took prominence in the pwerlifting world as it (PL USA) (To Me) felt like i was reading a WWE magazine

                  HAHAHAHAHAHA. VERY GOOD!!!

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