Tommy Kono — sad news

Home Forums General Discussion Tommy Kono — sad news

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    • #26691
      Tom Ryan

        I just read that Tommy Kono, undoubtedly one of the three greatest American male Olympic lifters of all time, is in very bad shape and weighed only 117 pounds just before Christmas. He has serious liver problems and ammonia is building up in his body, including in his brain. He has been receiving hospice care, which generally happens only when a person’s life expectancy is at most 6 months. He is 85, so he has had a long life. Unfortunately, I never met him but we did correspond by e-mail 2 years ago. I am going to send him an e-card but not expect a reply. Indeed, Denis Reno gave Tommy’s mailing address in his recent newsletter but not his e-mail address, probably because Kono is too ill to respond to people.


      • #26709
        Al Myers

          Tom, Thank you for sharing this. Tommy Kono is one of the greatest US lifters ever! Al

        • #26797
          Thom Van Vleck

            I got to meet Tommy a few years back at the Arnold (2009?). I luckily got my picture with him and got to have a few words. He was very nice and gracious.

            Thom Van Vleck
            Jackson Weightlifting Club
            Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

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