USAWA Invasion of Australia

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    • #23468
      Thom Van Vleck

        USAWA Invasion of Australia

        Thom Van Vleck
        Jackson Weightlifting Club
        Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

      • #23480

          Great job guys! I look forward to reading you writeup of this meet.

          I'm the lyrical Jesse James

        • #23479

            USA! USA!

          • #23478
            Chad Ullom

              The meet was a lot of fun! We are having a blast down under!

            • #23477

                I’m sure Al will correct me if I”m wrong, but he did not enter the open. I believe I got 3rd in the open and 6th overall.

              • #23476
                Thom Van Vleck

                  I’m just going by the meet results that were emailed me by the meet director. I’m sure Al will post the official results when they get back. No intent to take away from “guest” (sorry, you didn’t postyour name so I don’t know who you are). Just trying to get some “flash news” for all the guys waiting to hear back. I will be happy to share what I was given to anyone who wants to look at it. Just email me at and I’ll forward it. Thom

                  Thom Van Vleck
                  Jackson Weightlifting Club
                  Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                • #23475

                    Are those guys still in Australia?

                    I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                  • #23474
                    Thom Van Vleck

                      They got back, I think, Sunday, but I got a text from Al yesterday saying he had the worst case of Jet lag he’s ever had! No wonder, he was on the other side of the planet!

                      Thom Van Vleck
                      Jackson Weightlifting Club
                      Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                    • #23473
                      Chad Ullom

                        I was “guest”, not sure why that happened.

                        We got in Sunday at 11:45pm or something, it’s all a daze. I’m convinced Al did this return flight as a joke. I told him I had to work Monday so I get the itinerary and he just said, Told you I’d get you back for Monday hahaha. This is what coming home was like.

                        Keep in mind Perth is 14 hours ahead of us
                        Board a plane at 11pm in Perth. Arrive in Sydney at 7am. (It’s a 4 hour flight and they are 3 hours ahead of Perth) Sydney is now 17 hours ahead of KS

                        We have a 10 hour layover in Sydney. We take a cab to the city center and jump on a bus tour. Get off and Bondi beach and spend an hour there. We’re both exhausted so we hop a cab to the airport. Al falls asleep so hard in the cab he’s snoring.

                        Get on the plane in Sydney 4:30pm on Sunday arrive in San francisco at 10am Sunday. Have an 8 hour layover in San Fran

                        Too exhausted to do anything. We watch football in the airport. Al goes into a bar and gets a diet coke and watches the game while I charge my phone. I get to the table and we both fall asleep and are asked to leave if we aren’t going to order more, LOL.

                        Board the plane at 6pm and arrive in KC at 11:45 or something. Al and Leslie drop me off in Topeka about 1:15am. I get to bed and get up at 5:30am ready to play catch up at work. Great trip!


                      • #23472

                          That sounds like a nightmare. Glad you guys made it back safely

                          I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                        • #23471
                          Thom Van Vleck

                            First of all, “Al and Chad getting kicked out of a bar for NOT ordering anything” has to be an all time FIRST! HAHA That sounds like a “blood oath” story to me!

                            Second, there are times I wish I could have went with you and reading that itinerary was NOT one of them.

                            Finally, good to have you guys back!

                            Thom Van Vleck
                            Jackson Weightlifting Club
                            Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                          • #23470

                              First of all, “Al and Chad getting kicked out of a bar for NOT ordering anything” has to be an all time FIRST! HAHA That sounds like a “blood oath” story to me!


                            • #23469
                              Al Myers

                                Yeah, it was quite embarrassing, considering the effort it took her to wake me from my slumber. When I finally woke up, the little asian waitress was pushing on my shoulder and saying over and over, “no order – you leave, no order – you leave”

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