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    • #21034


        I'm the lyrical Jesse James

      • #21038

          I’ve been subscribed to Timo’s YouTube channel for awhile and his videos are excellent. His grip feats are mind boggling.

        • #21037
          Timo Lauttamus

            Thanks guys 🙂

            i was certainly pleased with this feat, was doing lot of VBAR workload in my training before Worlds and lightening for the last week, and ‘The Peak’ was right there on the stage.

          • #21036
            Chad Ullom

              After seeing Timo in Scotland last year, I am not surprised at all. Best grip I’ve ever seen in person. Congrats Timo!

            • #21035
              Timo Lauttamus

                Thanks guys 🙂

                About the Van Dam Lift, i’ve done +75lbs chair split hold for over 20 seconds, but i believe only 100lbs Van Dam Lift is possible with my lower body strength.

                Just reason for Rob Van Dam’s huge 166lbs lift is his amazing lower body strength, of course he’s also extremely flexible individual, which makes that feat possible.

                Anyhow, i will give a bit more focus for chair splits in becoming training, i couldn’t handle back squats and chair splits when i was training for Worlds.

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