Wagman’s Log

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    • #21325

        Wagman’s Log

      • #21334

          I apologize, I did not see this and started another thread. I will copy here

          I'm the lyrical Jesse James

        • #21333

            Great article Dan. I could not agree more. Where I possess a few steel logs and many spherical atlas stones, I do not agree with the level of standardization in strongman these days is very off putting to me. I loved Thoms old meets where our “log” was an old railroad tie. We lifted anvils, field stones and dragged big gunny sacks. I did understand the need for steel logs in smaller local meets as they are easy to have fabricated, and would endure a guys weekly training and still make it through competitions. But there have been steel logs in WSM!?!?! Are you kidding me? Have you seen the couple years where they had IFSA wordls? The feats were awesome, but I didn’t care to watch, because of the standardized equipment and pristine conditions. Furthering in that direction will see the demise of a sport I love.

            I'm the lyrical Jesse James

          • #21332
            Chad Ullom

              That is great looking Dan! Great writeup, thank you for sharing!

            • #21331
              Ben Edwards

                Great write-up Dan! After reading “The Wagman Log” – I expected some phallus jokes though. I’m disappointed in you guys.


              • #21330

                  Ben, is phallus a type of log?

                • #21329
                  Ben Edwards

                    [b]Quote from 61pwcc on August 3, 2013, 06:18[/b]
                    Ben, is phallus a type of log?

                    In a way, lol.

                    Definition of phallus:

                    1.stylized penis: a picture, sculpture, or other representation of a penis, especially one regarded as a symbol of the reproductive force of life
                    2.penis: the human penis, especially when erect.


                  • #21328

                      You silly wabbits…none of you guys are strong enough to lift my “log.”



                      For Body Intellect Brochure click here: https://www.icloud.com/keynote/0fcsokZWooW_1B1uZmL1AI5fA#BI-DW

                      Those who are enamored of practice without science
                      are like a pilot who goes onto a ship without rudder or
                      compass and never has any certainty to where he is going.

                      Leonardo Da Vinci; 1452-1519

                    • #21327

                        ET, you raise some real good points.

                        So as you guys might recall from another post of mine, sport sociologists have determined that sport requires two fundamental things: 1. Resemblance, and 2. Standardization. This is obvious, but it is also in reference to SPORT.

                        But I think what we’re talking about here is STRENGTH. And I see a difference. If on one hand you want to see who can squat the most, it might be worthwhile to have a standardized barbell, plates, depth, type of belt, etc., and weight classes because ET doesn’t resemble me much, vice versa.

                        But if we want to see who is the STRONGEST, why not just go to a rail yard, junk yard, or a quarry and “lift shit.” And next year you come to my neck of the woods and we can see what we can find laying around and we’ll try to lift that. How much fun would THAT be?! And wouldn’t that also represent true, raw, at the moment strength? I can see the wheels in Al’s brain turning already…

                        While I understand the need for rules and standardization, there ain’t nottin fair in COMBAT. And fundamentally, to me, developing raw strength is about taking my body to combat. But what do I know…I’m just a dinosaur…



                        For Body Intellect Brochure click here: https://www.icloud.com/keynote/0fcsokZWooW_1B1uZmL1AI5fA#BI-DW

                        Those who are enamored of practice without science
                        are like a pilot who goes onto a ship without rudder or
                        compass and never has any certainty to where he is going.

                        Leonardo Da Vinci; 1452-1519

                      • #21326

                          Ya know Dan, we were talking about that same thing today during throwing practice. Here we are chucking a 56lb stone. The one at the meet may look nothing like it and be easier or harder to hold. As a strength athlete you should be able to say,”So what!! EVERYONE has to throw the same damned stone so, let’s get after it!!” It is too easy to set up a psychological block because you’re not going to use the ‘right’ implement or the one you are used to using. The only thing you should worry about is how good you’re going to look as you treat that stone like its been your pillow for the past month!
                          Ben, I can’t believe I got you to define Phallus. If I DID think that it was a Log would that be a Phallusy?

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