Winter Training

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    • #30124
      Thom Van Vleck

        Just a question to my fellow lifters. What training program are you going to follow over the winter. I’ve using the Wendler 5-3-1. Thinking about going back to the good, old 5×5. Sticking to a leg exercise on one day, a back exercise on another day, and an upper body exercise on the third day so three days a week. I walk or row a mile ever day for cardio.

        Thom Van Vleck
        Jackson Weightlifting Club
        Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

      • #30125

          Will concentrate on 2019 Postal lifts once DENNY announces them. Ride my bike up a bluff to work every week day on my 1993 bicycle.

        • #30126
          John Strangeway

            I’ve been using 5-3-1 since 2011. I mostly did variations of BBB while doing strongman. That way you get the heavy stuff in and 5 x 10 on mass work.
            Since coming back from surgery I’ve mostly been sticking to 5’s pro with FSL(5×5), this lightens the weight and keeps the reps low for now. I don’t bench so a weeks workout is M:squat, W:overhead, T:deads, Sat:event training.

            I’m going to try and follow the Krypteia program (18 week cycle). I have program ADD swapping after a 6 week cycle so sticking with it will be a win in itself lol

          • #30140

              Hoping to start focusing a little on the heavy lifts.

              I'm the lyrical Jesse James

            • #35143
              John Strangeway

                Speaking of, has anyone ever used 5-3-1 with the heavy lifts?

              • #35161
                Lance Foster

                  John, I have not tried 5-3-1 with the heavy lifts, but I think it definitely would help.

                  The Gloved One

                • #35200
                  John Strangeway

                    Yeah, think I’ll give it a try after the xmas postal. Just need to figure out high, I assume training all 3 every week will lead to over training since they are so heavy?? Thoughts..??

                    If so, maybe stretch each of the 5’s 3’s and 531 over three Saturdays instead of all in one week, making it a 9 week cycle instead of 3..
                    Week 1, 5’s Hip/ Week 2, 5’s H&T / Week 3, 5’s Neck
                    Week 4, 3’s Hip/ Week 5, 3’s H&T / Week 6, 3’s Neck
                    Week 7, 531 Hip/ Week 8, 531 H&T / Week 9, 531 Neck

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