No – the Zercher was not officially sanctioned by the USAWA. Bill did send me ten dollars and a short note AFTER the event was contested, but that does not meet the sanction criteria outlined by the USAWA in the Rulebook and the Bylaws.
These are the guideline, which come from the USAWA Rulebook available free on the USAWA website:
From Rulebook:
VIII. The Competition
3. To be an official sanctioned USAWA event, an application for meet sanction must be completed, signed, and returned with the sanction fee to the USAWA Secretary for approval by the executive board.
4. All sanction requests must be sent in for approval at least 6 weeks prior to the scheduled event. A sanction request is approved once the competition or event has been placed on the USAWA event schedule.
5. All sanctioned competitions must have a Meet Director. A single person or multiple people may be assigned the Meet Director. This position is stated on the sanction application. The Meet Director will be the contact for the USAWA Secretary.
From Bylaws:
A. All USAWA Competitions and/or events must be sanctioned.
B. The sanction fee is and must be sent to the Secretary/Treasurer for approval.
C. The sanction request form must be completely filled out and signed by the contact individual for the competition/event.
D. Sanctioned USAWA competitions and/or events must not be sanctioned with any other organization (with the exception of the IAWA). Violation of this will result in loss of USAWA sanction.
One of my jobs as secretary is to process sanction requests. I’m not doing my job correctly if I violate USAWA Rules/Bylaws when doing this, and if I do, I should be removed from this position and replaced with someone who could do it right.
I feel the guidelines for applying for sanction are VERY STRAIGHT FORWARD. Sanction applications are available online and there really is no reason someone should not be able to follow the rules set on this. I know Bill is not “on the computer”, but that is not a good excuse anymore, as surely he knows someone who is that could assist him in this process???
Joe – Lets continue this discussion in a private email. Al