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  • in reply to: Mike Burk Fulton World Record??? #22063

      Casinonman, why so unhappy?
      There’s been ALOT of great discussion on here. A guy lifts a monster weight and we talk about it. Heck, we even start discussing when is a 2″ bar not a 2″ bar, PED and exoskeletons. The only things missing from the discussion is blood doping and the 3 Fatal Flaws of the Kelly Snatch.

      in reply to: Mike Burk Fulton World Record??? #22065

        [b]Quote from dwagman on February 7, 2013, 09:36[/b]

        That’s an interesting perspective. I wonder how that compares to using knee wraps, wrist wraps, and a belt. After all, they all artificially enhance a lifter’s performance. Bottom line, if a guy takes a shot of testosterone once a wk to get bigger and stronger, how’s that really any different than a guy who has his training partner wrap his knees so that he can squat the 500 pounds he otherwise couldn’t squat?

        And there’s one more consideration governing knee wraps and a belt…they [i]do not[/i] prevent injury. In fact, research is rather clear that the use of a belt and knee wraps can instead [i]cause[/i] injury.

        So one guy is artificially enhancing his performance by taking a drug, the other wraps up his joints. At the end of the day, the result is the same…[i]you ain’t strong enough to lift the weight without the aid.[/i]


        I compare by saying that steroids are ILLEGAL. That exoskeleton of belt,wraps,etc. ain’t.
        Belts for adding weight to dips and pullups are ok. Otherwise, I think belts and knee wraps are a VERY BAD idea!! I’ve always likened it to helping a friend move to a new place or maybe doing some heavy yard work. You ain’t going to wear the exoskeleton during these times are you? So, why train that way?
        Wrist Straps? Guilty as charged. If I could do a 555lb 3″ Bar Deadlift like our fearless Prez Al Myers, then I wouldn’t need the straps for the Car Deadlift in Strongman meets. This is the only time I use them. I am working on not needing them at all. BTW I did break the WR on the Fulton Bar Jefferson Lift with 505lbs on 12/1/12 so, I’m getting there.
        “they do not prevent injury. In fact, research is rather clear that the use of a belt and knee wraps can instead cause injury.” Dan

        “My personal research proves otherwise. while I could deadlift the same with or without a belt, when I spent 2 weeks training without, I severly herniated a disc in my back. Interesting coincidence? Nope. I wont pull heavy without a belt ever again. I dont care what all the research aside from that showed.” KCSTRONGMAN
        KC, I’m going to say the injury came from not giving yourself enough time to relearn. Lifting technique is alot different without a belt. After only benching in a shirt for years, an 800 lb shirted bencher ain’t going to try and hit 600lb in a t-shirt anytime soon. There’s alot of relearning to do.

        in reply to: Mike Burk Fulton World Record??? #22074

          [b]Quote from casinonman on February 5, 2013, 19:56[/b]
          It must really suck to sit around and complain about what another person has accomplished and then bash him without even knowing the truth about him or not.

          Yeah, you’re right except I didn’t complain about the lift OR the lifter. It was a great lift. So why not lift in a sanctioned drug tested meet and be above reproach? What is more legitimate than nailing an All Time World Record with 3 judges and drug testing?
          I would love to see ALL those guys from Randy’s meet come to the Grip contest this Saturday. Hell, we could call it the Grip Gripe contest.
          Honestly, I don’t care if the guys in any of the contest I compete in are on steroids or not. I can only control myself. I appreciate many performances from Platz to Kaz. I REALLY appreciate performances by people like Frank Ciavattone. You’ll NEVER hear me gripe about a great lift being drug fueled. If you knew me personally, you’d know that to be true.
          I hope your lifting is going great and I hope we can meet up on the same lifting platform someday and beat the snot out of some weights together.

          in reply to: Mike Burk Fulton World Record??? #22077

            it must really suck to be on Performance Enhancing Drugs(PED). How do your know what REALLY works for a diet and/or a training program?! It must royally suck to think you’re nothing without being on ‘it’. It must constantly suck to wonder,”how much is me doing this versus what I’m taking?”. It must absolutely suck to know you’ll quit only when you’re dead or nearly so. If you DO quit, it will god awfully suck to know that training(if you resume) will NEVER be like it was.
            I never have and never will envy those folks. Why would I?

            in reply to: Mike Burk Fulton World Record??? #22079

              A drug test wouldn’t hurt. I feel ALL TIME WORLD RECORDS should come with a MANDATORY drug test.

              in reply to: Extreme chinning #22126

                Timo, you are one strong MF(Muscle Freak)!!

                in reply to: Extreme chinning #22128

                  Timo, how’s this for old school middle finger chins??http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=qbfSIGZyPOE

                  in reply to: Mike Burk Fulton World Record??? #22089

                    After seeing Mark Henry Clean and Jerk Apollon’s Axle DO for 3 reps at the Arnold Strongman contest a few years back, I’d like to see what he could Deadlift with the Apollon’s Axle. What an athlete!!

                    in reply to: Extreme chinning #22130

                      I’ve kinda gone the opposite of the 35mm bar(show off!!). As a painter, I handle ALOT of paint cans. The handle is a wire that is 2mm or thereabouts. I do swings with just the middle finger. I also see how many cans I can hold in the crease of the 1st and 2nd joint of all five fingers. I will get to the point of weighing down the cans and do MFD. Sound like fun?

                      in reply to: Extreme chinning #22131

                        I noticed my OVERALL grip strength leapt forward when I added MFD. If you are going to focus on one finger, then the middle one seems to have the most carry over to full hand grip strength. Do you agree??
                        What do you think of George Olsen(Denmark) doing a One Hand Middle Finger Deadlift with 703lbs.? He was featured in Ironman magazine back in the 90’s. Seems phenomenal to me.

                        in reply to: Extreme chinning #22133

                          Timo, after watching your middle finger pullup, I noticed that your middle fingers are a kilometer long!! You could probably MFD with a 32mm bar easily!! I imagine you’ll pull a hell of alot more than 400lbs on the MFD when all is said and done.

                          in reply to: Extreme chinning #22135

                            408lbs set in the 70’s in New York by a German gentleman??

                            in reply to: Extreme chinning #22139

                              Just rechecked the Goerner DO Middle Finger Deadlift. He did 220lbs. in DO style whereas his mixed grip style 308.25lbs. I feel a little better about that.

                              in reply to: Extreme chinning #22143

                                So, Timo, do you Snatch with a DO grip? Speaking of DO, I think Goerner could do a Middle Finger Deadlift in DO style with 308lbs!! Have you tried this??
                                I think you’re smart to train the middle finger lifts with reps….makes sense.

                                in reply to: Extreme chinning #22145

                                  The name is James Fuller and am humbled by you repping out with my MAX on the middle finger Deadlift. Can you hook grip a 2″ bar?

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