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  • in reply to: Making Your Weight training #23114

      in the warehouse where I worked, “Proper Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance People”. There’s another P-word before Poor but I’m keeping this relatively clean.

      in reply to: Making Your Weight training #23117

        Al, my numbers were picked 100% arbitarily. I WISH my ratios were as good as yours!! Can/could I do this set-up within an USAWA meet? By the way, The Farmer’s and Trapt bars are a good addition. My Trapt bar is customized with ROTATING sleeves and is rackable. I’ve renamed it the UNtrapt bar. My Farmer’s are customized as well. I had them made extra long and therefore harder to turn in control. Gong back to the standard(ish) size is a breeze for me at a meet.

        in reply to: Making Your Weight training #23119

          How ’bout a meet where all lifts are done with 3 different bar sizes. Say a 3″,2″,1″. Set up so you do one right after the other 3″ done 1st, 2″ done second, 1″ done last but for maximum reps. Maybe set the weight ratios as 3″ is 65% of the 1″ weight, 2″ is 80% of the 1″ weight. We could call it the,”All Holds Barred Meet”!

          in reply to: 1st Mr. America #23136

            I guess we can agree they’re ALL legends!!

            in reply to: The Ads Need To Stop… #23181

              make an effort to contribute. I will make a concentrated effort to send in some material. I certainly appreciate the effort Al puts into the ‘dailies’.

              in reply to: The Ads Need To Stop… #23184

                I’m glad you got something useful. It’s good Roger supports the USAWA. I do not believe the home page is the place for ads. Running a meet in the USAWA does NOT entitle you to be running ads on the home page.
                What if someone’s first time visiting the USAWA website was today. Would they have been turned off by,”Hey, buy my stuff!”? Maybe…maybe not. Meet announcements, USAWA history, tech articles on the lifts, contest results, etc. bring it on.

                in reply to: The Ads Need To Stop… #23186

                  Now!! I’ve been biting my tongue on this long enough. The Atomic Athletic ads are unwelcome and unnecessary. I don’t know if these are paid ads. This recent one has to be the most blatant.

                  in reply to: hurt knee equals no contest #23274

                    that sucks!! I know all the reasons not to compete injured but I can understand still going and doing your best. I hurt my knee 3+ years ago and I’ve done meets not at 100%. For example I did the 2011 Heavy Lift Nationals with an aching knee. For me more important than being 100% was the EXPERIENCE! Just my 2$(inflation). Best of luck and get healed soon!!

                    in reply to: Vertical Bar Deadlift-2 Bars, 2″ issues #23311

                      I’ve found is heavy-ish Side Bends. Since most of us favor one side more than another, I believe most alignment problems are a left to right issue vs a front to back issue. Side Bends work the Quadratus Lumborum HARD. Main purpose of this muscle is to pull your torso to the right or left. These muscles connect your hip to the SIDES of ALL 5 Lumbar vertebrae. These are the ONLY muscles that directly connect your hip and spine!! The Erector Spinae group connect on the BACK of the vertebrae. The muscle lies underneath the Erectors so when it gets tweaked, most think its a lower back/erector issue. If this muscle gets tweaked, it will affect you more than tweaking an erector.
                      Beside the traditional ‘Dumbbell(sometimes barbell) in the hand version’, I’ve found that crossing the working side leg over the other leg(side holding the weight) gives quite a stretch and when it gets heavy the Adductors will get worked as well. As you lower the weight, you’ll feel the pressure shift to the front foot(knee may flex some) and as you rise it will shift back to the rear foot:building some good balance. I’ve noticed you can PERFORM Side Bends two ways regardless of foot placement. You can bend to the side as if a box was pressed up against your weighted side or you can lower by pushing the working hip AWAY from the dumbbell. To be clear: get the hip on the opposite side of the dumbbell as far to the other side acting like a hinge. Kinda like how Paul Anderson would tie his legs to the Power Rack so he could lean over as he did Good Mornings vs pushing your glutes to the rear(again acting like a hinge).

                      in reply to: Cold Douche #23321

                        too many men in a tub!!

                        in reply to: 102.5 lb Plates?!?! #23347

                          Good point. Just can’t imagine anyone going through the trouble to make them. Maybe it was somehow an accident. Like you said, you’ve had some that over weighed by that much. Maybe they figured out that the plates were weighing out more than they anticipated. Instead investing in a new cast they pawned them off as these?

                          in reply to: December Milo issue #23453

                            I think POWER magazine is great! Why?? The publisher(Mark Bell) is an active Powerlifter who also happens to have invented the Slingshot. His articles are funny,honest and poignant. It’s got a little bit of gossip mixed in with some well done interviews. The focus is NOT just Powerlifting. For example, Glenn Pendlay has written some good Olympic lifting articles in the last couple of issues. The diet articles are interesting and challenging. Mark seems like he really wants to help his readers get better. His ‘texting with Mark Bell’ column is informative and funny.
                            Powerlifting USA has had some changes that bother me. I thought the nutrition articles by Anthony Ricciuto would be a blast. Now they’ve degraded into multi-issue advertisements for someone’s products/services ie: 4 months/issues for the Doctor who’ll help you get on roids, 3+ months/issue on someone’s IBS cure which you can buy, this month is the 3rd and final installment/advertisement for someone’s SUPER-DUPER blender, ad nauseum. The MHP involvement has turned me off. You got Steve Downs of Natural Bodybuilding fame(Editor) who has pretty much run down any and all for their even REMOTE involvement to steroids while he’s conveniently(and quietly) done an about face(two face) representing MHP and those who MAY have more than a REMOTE involvement with steroids. His self righteous attitude in the magazine is why I NEVER bought it. Now how much was he paid to ‘change his mind’?!?!? So, I do not read any of Steve’s articles in PL USA as well as Anthony’s.
                            Finally, I’ve been buying PL USA since 1995 and I wouldn’t know Mike Lambert if I fell on him! I’ve seen 1 maybe 2 pictures of Mike in the magazine since 95′!! I like seeing the owner being an active part of whatever it is he owns, a magazine, restaurant, grocery store etc. This last one is a pet peeve of mine I know. Mike’s done a great job for alot of years. I just can’t justify the money….even though the price is most reasonable, on something that gives me nil in return.

                            in reply to: Bruce Randall Dead #23461

                              WOW! He must’ve REALLY been a recluse!! Thanks for the correction.

                              in reply to: December Milo issue #23456

                                Seeing as I’m probably going to stop getting PL USA, I may get MILO. I’ve been getting POWER magazine lately and feel it’s got more to offer me.

                                in reply to: John Kuc #23486

                                  Like Sinatra sang, “Regrets….I had a few…”. Missing a workout with Bill Pearl….ouch! Beyond your control for sure. So, you are going to try again…RIGHT?? There’s got to be a meet in Oregon, correct?? Why not set-up a meet with him?? He’s into/performed the Olde-Time Strongman events so why not?? Running a meet with Bill Pearl would be kinda cool don’t ya think? The worst he could do is say no.

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