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  • in reply to: barefoot lifting #24033

      Yep, I like minimal footwear. Try buttoning your shirt(or lifting for that matter)with mittens on. So, why thick padded shoes to dampen the nerves?? With max weights I want NO NERVE DAMPENING. I alternate between Chuck Taylors, Rafting shoes and steel toe boots. The steel toe boots teach me to pick up my feet more forcefully on the Olympic lifts.
      As a waiter I’ll occasionally wear steel toed shoes to build up my shins and the arch of the foot. I call it ‘free training’.

      in reply to: Alexeev Photo #24060

        Guy with the aforementioned ‘big forearm’, looks like a young Steve Jeck.
        Guy standing with glasses looks a bit like Laverne.

        in reply to: Heavy Lift Bar ?’s #24098

          excellent information!! Thanks a bunch

          in reply to: Heavy Lift Bar ?’s #24102

            A big thanks for clearing that up! What kind of stock do most use for the heavy lift bar? Randy said something about 10 45. Said that a little more carbon will make the bar stiffer and harder to bend. Thoughts??
            Aside from leather, any ideas on what to make the hip/neck harness out of??

            in reply to: Mucho thanks @ York #24114

              That’s what I was afraid of….350 felt like 400 doh!!

              in reply to: York News #24121

                Hey Al, you listed the videos as the 28th but shouldn’t they be the 21st??

                in reply to: 900lb Neck Lift #24158

                  I WAS there to see it. Yep, each one better than the last. The lift was SOLID. Yes, he has MUCH more in him. In a word, WOW!!

                  in reply to: Lodging at York PA #24163

                    Crap, I screwed up, its Harrisburg, that I’m rolling into.

                    in reply to: Lodging at York PA #24167

                      Looks like I’m taking Amtrak to Elizabethtown, Pa. This is one town over from York. Any recommendations on the best way to get to York??

                      in reply to: the best lift… #24212

                        I’m amused that an organization that contest DOZENS of lifts has a debate about the best ONE!?!? Seems like we should focus on the top dozen. No?

                        in reply to: olympic lifts #24222

                          I’m planning on introducing some split snatch and split cleans into my training diet this year. Ya never know what ya do or don’t like about a lift until you try it. I mean give it good 12 weeks or so. Rotate back to what you used to do and compare. Supposedly, from what I’ve read, the squat version favors a lifter with stronger legs vs back. Splits favor those with a stronger back vs legs. I think it ultimately depends on your injuries, your flexiblity and if you LIKE the damn move or not!!
                          I’m very glad to hear you’re getting there. Nothing beats just plain old feeling good. I’ve been playing lots of hackey-sack this week and it just feels unreal to stretch out and move around. Good luck

                          in reply to: olympic lifts #24226

                            They are are a blast!! It amazes me how much difference of opinion there is on just TWO competitive lifts!! If you can avoid the mental masturbation on the ‘right’ way to do ’em, you’ll have a load of fun and move some serious weight over your head. Semi-regular work can do wonders for your lifting NO MATTER what your strength goals are. I shoot for my Snatch to be about 80% of my Clean and Jerk. My rotator cuffs NEVER felt solid until I started Olympic lifting.
                            How do I Snatch/Clean? Push feet into floor at start to discourage pulling too much with the arms. Arms are hooks w/elbows pointing out and wrist flexed. I am lifting slowly until bar is just above the knees. Now that legs are not in the way, I both jump up into the bar AND pull my self under the bar with my traps. I imagine I’m a puppet that has strings tied into the tops of the shoulders. When I jump into the bar, these strings get pulled so my traps jump up making me pull up on the bar with my arms straight vs trying to upright row/reverse curl the weight. As those traps are jumping up, I’m pulling my self under the bar rotating myself underneath. I’m spinning the bar abit. Think of being like a whip. Slow start then a big snap. On the clean, think of whipping those elbows around the bar so you end up in a front squat/racked position. On snatches, I spin my self around the bar pushing out when it gets overhead. I imagine trying to stretch bar apart. MOVE YOURSELF around the bar. Imagine you’re on a Smith machine and the bar can only go straight up and down. If you have a hard time coming out of the hole on cleans(leaning over too much) push your knees out as far as possible and push you butt forward to get you hips back under that weight.
                            To Jerk, keep elbows UP, don’t let them point down when you dip or the weight will be too far in front of you to finish. How do you dip? Quickly sit back and pop the weight up. Push on the bar right away jumping under it. It helps me to think like on a bent press that the bar can’t move. I dip and push hard and jump under catching it at arms length. I try to jump as deep as possible cuz I’m lazy. I don’t want to have to lift that weight any higher than I need. I want to be under that weight with arms STRAIGHT before the momentum is gone. I alternate between split jerks and power jerks due to my strongman training. I forgot to mention on the snatch/clean that when you jump into the bar/pull yourself under, he bar may or may not bump into you. Some seem to accentuate this. For myself if it happens fine if not fine. My goal is to snap that weight in a straight line. I also figure less can go wrong with a straight path. To those who know ten times more than me about Olympic weightlifting…..you are absolutely right that I left out some things but I feel this is a good overview.
                            I welcome input cuz with a best meet Snatch of 220 lbs and a best meet Clean and Jerk of 253 lbs @231 lbs I NEED ALL THE HELP I CAN GET!!
                            One of my favorite Snatch warm-ups:standing dead hang snatcheshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjhWRrcwU3Q
                            Same could be done with cleans. Both teach to focus on getting under the bar pronto. I also find drop snatches helpful. Bar is on back like you’re going to squat with a snatch grip. Now with NO KNEE BEND/DIP for a prestretch jump down into a full squat finishing with the bar at arms length. YEEHAH!! Now go rip some weight!! I call it grip, dip and let ‘er rip!!

                            in reply to: Getting down with the Turkish Get-Up #24519

                              Nicely done. How’d you feel during and later on??

                              in reply to: Injuries and Learning #24231

                                As the great New England Olympic Weightlifter and Newsletter publisher Denis Reno has told me…EVERYTHING HEALS! To have him say that was quite an encouragement. It is true. Good luck!!

                                in reply to: Injuries and Learning #24238

                                  Yep, perspective is a funny thing.

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