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  • in reply to: Andy Goddard Postal #21451

      I appreciate the explanation on having a witness. I think a small group of us up here in Maine could do a postal that way. Thanks again!!

      in reply to: Chad(the dancing),Dan(beer liking) #21447

        are to be congratulated for their athletes of the year awards!! Great job guys!!Yes Chad likes beer as well!!

        in reply to: Andy Goddard Postal #21454

          I’m surprised that postal meets have ANY officials required. I think that having postal meets based on the honor system would be a superb way for folks to get a taste of the All-Round lifts. There wouldn’t be any records,trophies or T-shirts. Just a chance to try the lifts out, send the results in and see how you ‘stack up’. To me, this seems a great introduction to what we do.

          in reply to: Newcomer Award #21468

            RJ, that is a most clever pun!!
            BTW, RJ, I have some interesting lifts coming up,stay tuned!!

            in reply to: Newcomer Award #21469

              Thanks Dan. I did first meet(Heavy lift Championships) in York,PA. 2011. Didn’t ‘show up’ again ’til year and a half later at Frank Ciavatonne’s Gym December 2012. If the meets were closer or I didn’t live in Maine, I’d compete more often!!
              Congrats to RJ as well!!

              in reply to: Sunday’s Workout Highlights #21475

                and yes RJ, they DO think I’m crazy for this and other offenses to the normalcy!

                in reply to: Sunday’s Workout Highlights #21476

                  Well, as Al states in the Nationals Report, I am ECCENTRIC and he doesn’t mean the muscle contraction!! I feel bad for Olympic Lifting and Powerlifting. Their whole training revolves around improving two or three lifts.
                  Olympic Lifting accessory training mimics what they’re already doing: Front Squat, Snatch/Clean Pulls, Pulls from Knee. The furthest they go from the competitive lifts is the High Bar ‘Olympic’ Squat. How boring!!
                  Powerlifting, thanks mainly to Louie Simmons and the conjugate method, now has a bunch of different exercises utilizing chains and/or bands. Chains/bands can be a little tricky to figure out if you’re a RAW lifter. Most of the info on this type of training is gleaned from ELITE Powerlifters who not only wear the strongest of suits/wraps, they tend to be on copious amounts of steroids. Still, there are a plethora of accessory exercises now but, its all for the glory of hitting it big on just three lifts.
                  Then there’s Strongman…I love Strongman training!! Its like anaerobic training for Strength. Crossfit is ok but, I’m sure with in a couple months I could handle some tougher WODs. How long would it take a Crossfitter to handle the medley we had at our last Strongman comp? For the lightweights(105kgs/231lbs and under(as if our lightweight class is the HEAVIEST class in Olympic Lifting before it becomes SHW!?!?)) we had to walk a 650lbs Yoke 50′ followed by 235lbs(per hand) Farmer’s Walk 50′. That Crossfitter could Crossfit quite a few years and NOT come close to being able to finish that Medley. The problem with Strongman is that it requires getting good at the IMPLEMENTS. IMPLEMENTS=MONEY+STORAGE+PLACE TO RUN AROUND. Big investment just to add some variety to your training. Then there’s All-Round Lifting.
                  You see, just a bar, some weight and you’ve got literally HUNDREDS of exercises. You can move to the more exotic Heavy Lifting which is in my experience relatively cheap to add to your repertoire. How many people get bored with there training? That’s where I come in. I’m trying to generate some curiosity/interest in what we do. Even some of our own All-Rounders have learned from my videos. If I can get people to look at Barbell/Dumbbell training a little differently, maybe they’ll find something they REALLY like and may start coming to our competitions or at least train a little differently….maybe.

                  in reply to: Nationals Videos #21481
                    in reply to: Nationals Videos #21482

                      Dan, Yeah I like beer…I like it alot.
                      RJ, kinda wish you hadn’t seen that. I’ve done 426lbs before so, I am surprised 440lbs stumped me. I need more Leg Drive via those Self Loaded Leg Presses you love to do!! I’m going to shoot for a 300+lb lift. Its funny, when you’re in the middle of the lift, you’re so task orientated(let’s get this MF done!!) that you’re not noticing the leg pain. The bend that the 440lbs puts into the bar is ‘interesting’ as you set it on your legs.

                      in reply to: Nationals Videos #21484

                        Dan, you are absolutely right!! A loin for the groin.
                        Seriously, I think with what I learned at the Nationals, my Pullover & Push should go up quite a bit.
                        I hope we meet up in a meet soon. Would be a good time!!

                        in reply to: Nationals Videos #21486
                          in reply to: Nationals Videos #21487
                            in reply to: Nationals Was Best Meet Period!! #21490

                              Seth, is there something missing in that email address?? It didn’t work.

                              in reply to: Nationals Was Best Meet Period!! #21491

                                Seth did great!! I was expecting one of two eventualities. One: he listens to us, nods his head alot and shuts the camera off BUT still appears to be filming until the end of meet ceremonies where he then proceeds to beat feet outta there!! Two:right off the bat says,”Oh…I think I forgot some equipment in my car.” and, proceeds to beat feet outta there!!
                                He actually STAYED THE WHOLE time!!. Even ATE with us and, you all KNOW how scary that can be!! Not content with that punishment, he stayed to watch us after day’s one lifting as we tried to figure:just how does one do a Pullover and Press-With Wrestler’s Bridge. Anyone that can hang around us without the distraction of competing just may be looney enough to be an All-Rounder!!

                                in reply to: One Arm Deadlift Video #21504

                                  Dan, I think I get what you’re saying. I think I’ve been doing this due to my experiences with the Hercules hold in Strongman. Its alot easier for four to keep one closed!!

                                Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 329 total)