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  • in reply to: Good Luck to all National Lifters #21501

      Al, you bringing that Hub simulator thingy made by LeadHead?

      in reply to: One Arm Deadlift Video #21507

        Dan, what your doing makes sense, its similar to Benchers trying to crush the bar in their hands BEFRORE they lift. Doesn’t Pavel in his “power to the People” book call this technique irradiation?
        Just looked up this link:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzE0NTQ5OTQ0.html Around the 2:00 mark, Pavel talks about irradiation.
        Seems to make sense that the more we ‘prepare’ to lift a crapton of weight by tensing everything as hard as possible, the bigger signal the body gets from the brain that something bis is going to happen. Hope this helps and good luck on breaking that record!!

        in reply to: Hotel/motel for Nationals? #21511

          Randy, you competing? It’ll be great seeing you again. We meat @ York 2011 Heavy Lifts. You helped me with what kind of bar to get for the Heavy Lifts. Its going to be a fun weekend!!

          in reply to: Finally got that… #21515

            perfectly?!?! Thanks Thom,coming from a level 2 official is high praise indeed. What’s the best way to get ahold of Bob Burtzloff? I wonder if he’d talk me ‘through’ the lift?
            You going to the Nationals this weekend?? I AM READY!!

            in reply to: Scottish Stones of Strength #21538

              Good job Mark and Chad….I am a wee bit envious!!

              in reply to: Any tips? #21549

                here’s a video of a Continental Snatch:http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=EoSI2hLqOsw
                I believe you can get it to the belt using any grip you want.

                in reply to: Any tips? #21551

                  Timo, USAWA Rule Book allows a maximum of shoulder width on the Pullover-Straight Arm. We’re doing this same lift at the Nationals, June 29&30 in Lebanon,PA. I’m electing to lower bar to platform first vs. starting from the platform: which is allowed. Think,”Would I rather Squat dead, out of the bottom position or lower myself to load up some tension then, Squat?”
                  I ain’t going to try to tell you how to Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Arm, 2″, One Hand!! You should be teaching me what to do!!
                  The Continental Snatch is pretty liberal in regards to grip:”Hand spacing and grip are of the lifter’s choosing and may be altered on the bar during the lift. The hands may be removed from the bar during the lift.” Looks to me that when you put the bar overhead make sure it does not stop, touch the head or get pressed out. Al or someone could correct me on this hint…hint.
                  I’d do most of my Trap Bar Deadlifts standing on a 2-3″(5-7.5cm) block/platform to build leg drive off the floor.
                  Don’t use a kettlebell training for the Clean and Jerk – Dumbbell, One Arm. The Center of Gravity is lower and therefore much easier than a dumbbell. Probably warming up with a Barbell then doing your main workout with a dumbbell would help you get a stronger drive from an easier to balance implement.
                  You freakishly strong Lats will help you stay upright(if you use them) on Squats. Seems like the stronger my Lats are the easier I stay upright. Warm up with 1″ below parallel Box Squats. Don’t sit far back like the suited lifters. Your Box Squats should mimic your Squats NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND!If at any point during my Squatting I feel I’m not quite deep enough, I’ll bring the box back out and Squat down to the box for the next set just to keep myself honest. Better to get a rude awakening at the gym than @ the WORLDS!!
                  When I learn to Clean & Press my bodyweight, then I will have earned the right to give advice!! Good luck!! Ask more questions if you like.
                  If anyone sees that I flubbed up the rules PLEASE CORRECT ME!! Let’s all be on the same page.

                  in reply to: Dennis #21554

                    Dennis was MOST GRACIOUS with his time after the Heavy Lift Championships this year. He critiqued my form Bent Pressing one of Frank Ciavatonne’s train axles. Gave me great insight on the lift. Congratulations Dennis!!

                    in reply to: Yoke&Farmer’s Walk work #22535

                      in addition, I do some Bent Press work with my Strongman implements:

                      in reply to: Yoke&Farmer’s Walk work #21583

                        in addition, I do some Bent Press work with my Strongman implements:

                        in reply to: 426lb/193.15kgs Continental to Belt #21585

                          dbunch, I think Steve Angell did 235kgs/517lbs this way and happens to have the All Time record with 250kgs/550lbs. Here’s the 235kg/517lbs lift:http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=Djdk42LRzPQ

                          in reply to: Lack of Blogs #21604

                            Ben, I certainly would appreciate grip articles. Did you enjoy the one I wrote about using Fire Hydrant Nozzle Caps?? I’m thinking our articles can also be reference material for ourselves and newer members in the future. I think the best articles on training are written by those who didn’t start out ahead of everyone else. The lifter that’s had to fight for every damn 5lbs on his lift, must know alot of tricks. So, let’s write what we know and hypothesize about what we don’t and share our ideas.

                            in reply to: Lifting heavy objects #21608

                              My 1920’s International Tractor wheels being used in Maine’s Strongest Man meet.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYcYhl1zxho&feature=player_detailpage#t=51s
                              You’ll have to pause the video. Each wheel weighs about 255lbs.

                              in reply to: Lifting heavy objects #21611

                                I can tell you first hand, it IS ADDICTING. Every time I show up at Frank’s its like,”OOO train wheels….meet? What meet? I’m gonna go out and play with the train wheels!!” I’ve put many a dent in his lawn lifting these wheels. Probably owe him some loam!! Hell, I’ve even gone out and dusted the snow off so I could lift them!!

                                in reply to: Pullover & Push Video #22537

                                  Al, you are right. I wrote one thing while thinking of another. I’ve been reading D. Willoughby’s account of One Arm Jerks from the Shoulder. I should have said that a Fulton One Arm Jerk from Rack would allow heavier weight to be lifted than if an Olympic bar was used in the same manner.

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