Al Myers

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  • in reply to: LEDAIG WEEKEND #21458
    Al Myers

      Thanks Thom for FINALLY believing my stories – which I NEVER stretch!!!

      in reply to: Andy Goddard Postal #21452
      Al Myers

        Good points!

        First, I want to make sure everyone knows that this IAWA World Postal is conducted different than the meets in the USAWA postal series. The world postal is promoted by IAWA and not the USAWA, thus the reason for the different rules.

        USAWA postal meets do not require the use of a certified official to take part, but you must have someone “sign off” as a unofficial judge just to hold you accountable for your lifts. This judge serves only as a witness that you are being truthful in your submissions. This way you can enter and be eligible for postal meet placings (and for the reasons explained by James that this allows an introduction to the all rounds.) However, no USAWA records can be established without a certified official, thus the reason I make sure this information is included in the meet results so Joe G will know what is “record eligible” or not.

        A few years ago the USAWA voted to allow the 1-offical system (mainly to allow for postal meets and record days to be conducted in the absence of 3 certified officials). Our big meets will always use the 3-official system. When this (the 1 official system) was proposed the same year at the IAWA meeting it was voted down by the membership. Thus the reason IAWA requires 3 officials for any meet.

        I support the use of the 1-official system for the reasons above, however, rules are rules. I will be disappointed if IAWA allows results in the World postal meet in the absence of 3 officials. That would seem hypocritical to me considering the membership voted against that very same thing!! Al

        in reply to: Andy Goddard Postal #21455
        Al Myers

          All the information on the World Postal meet is on this website – the meet announcement blog is under the event calendar in the right column.

          One big problem is that since this is a IAWA event 3 certified officials are required. Only the USAWA allows the use of one official, IAWA and the IAWA(UK) require three officials in all competitions. When the 1 official system was proposed a few years ago at the IAWA meeting it was voted down. Just wanted to make sure everyone is clear on that before lifts are done and results turned in. Al

          in reply to: LEDAIG WEEKEND #21464
          Al Myers

            Great meet Dave! I really had a great time yesterday – meet report will be up tomorrow morning. I’m still drying the tears in my eyes from the loss, thus the reason the report was not put up today. haha Al

            in reply to: Good Luck to all National Lifters #21499
            Al Myers

              61 – it took me a second but I got your reference! haha I’m leaving in 30 minutes but I’ll throw it in the ole gymbag right now. dinoman

              in reply to: Good Luck to all National Lifters #21500
              Al Myers

                61 – it took me a second but I got your reference! haha I’m leaving in 30 minutes but I’ll throw it in the ole gymbag right now. dinoman

                in reply to: One Arm Deadlift Video #21508
                Al Myers

                  I’ve found that if I slam the edge of a 5 pound plate down across the top of my thumbnail right before I “hook into” a one arm deadlift, the pain from the hook grip is much less.

                  WELCOME BACK DAN!!!!

                  in reply to: Scottish Stones of Strength #21521
                  Al Myers

                    Thom – I’ve “cut you some slack” for not responding here on this thread because of your efforts on the other forums in “keeping people in line”. haha

                    If anyone is interested in a little light reading on this subject, or just don’t have time to watch Oprah today for a stimulating controversial subject, here is the link to the discussion on the IM forum:


                    I might add that the last comments in that thread by Francis Brebner are some of the BEST I have ever read on the Dinnie Stones in a forum post. Al

                    in reply to: Scottish Stones of Strength #21524
                    Al Myers

                      And don’t forget you got the USAWA Nationals the NEXT WEEKEND!!!

                      Geez – you are really superman. I don’t see how you are getting all this done. I’ll be thinking about you on Saturday and wishing you great throws!!! Al

                      in reply to: Scottish Stones of Strength #21528
                      Al Myers

                        Travis, I sure agree with you on the straps thing, and like said in a previous blog story, “lifting the stones with straps is nothing like lifting them without.” It takes someone with a very strong back/pull to lift them period, but having a grip to hold the rings is the limiting factor. I don’t think anyone would argue that.

                        But by using straps in this competition is NOT the issue at all. They were clearly allowed by the rules of the competition. The issue that “the critic” is trying to make is that somehow this is a violation of stone lifting etiquette, and is insulting to the tradition of the Dinnie Stones. That’s what I think is a bunch of hogwash! He’s so wrapped up in the idea of Scottish Stone lifting culture that he is blinded by the truth. The stones are there to lift!!! Plus all he does is “blah blah blah” in his writing about how he seems to be the only one who understands this and everyone else is violating the dinnie stones in some way. AND I might add that none of his rambling comments and insults are EVER backed by any authentic proof. They are simply his narrow minded opinion. Why doesn’t he show some proof, like some writings of Donald Dinnie in how he felt the stones should be lifted? Is it because he doesn’t have any??

                        He’s so against lifting the stones for multiple repetitions because he feels like it is not traditional. Does he have proof that Dinnie never lifted the stones multiple times in a day because of some cultural mindset? Anyone who is strong enough to carry both stones over 15 feet without setting them down surely could have picked them up several times. I would guess Dinnie did a few “reps” with them just to warm up for the bridge walk!!!! It’s not a far stretch of the mind to think that “for show” he lifted them more than once in a day. But my proof of that is no more than he was against reps with them!!! Add in the long history (over the last 50 years) of lifters testing themselves with multiple reps with the stones (some just a few reps), why would ANYONE think that this was wrong in some way. The critics good buddy who he follows around on stone lifting tours even lifted them more than once on a visit!! Where was the criticism then???

                        But what would I know – I’m just a stupid American according the self-proclaimed Dinnie Stone expert. That’s his response to anyone who disagrees with him. Al

                        PS. Now I’ve got a couple of questions for Chad.

                        1. I thought you were banned from Scotland by the King of Scotland after you violated the Dinnie Stones last fall. How did you get in?

                        2. I thought the critic had banned this event from happening because of some code violation? Yet the TV crew was there and it was done in broad daylight for everyone to see. So I take it there was no tussles with the law?

                        3. Your strap broke????? Didn’t Francis supply you with a new indestructible IronMind strap before the event??? Or were you using those ole flimsy battered ones you have in your gym bag??

                        in reply to: Scottish Stones of Strength #21532
                        Al Myers

                          There will always be critics of great performances for a variety of reasons, most of which are personally motivated (like in this case). This joker doesn’t even deserve a response because that is what he wants, someone to argue with. He’s just looking for a forum fight, so he can take the argument into the gutter and then win it with experience.

                          He’s obviously passionate about the subject and does have a wealth of information (which he arrogantly preaches nonstop to the forum crowd), but all this is lost with his pompous attitude. No one cares about what he has to say except his handful of “followers” who think he is someone important in the stone lifting world.

                          I actually find humor in all of this. His actions which he thinks are “serving his cause” are actually doing the opposite. It’s just drawing more attention to the outstanding performances that were done both this week and the week we visited the Dinnies in November. Any sensible person can “read through” his nonsense, and see him for the fool he is. Why hasn’t Randy banned him from the IM forum??? Simple answer – he’s creating attention with his negative attacks and the IM website is getting more “hits” than ever. So he’s doing Randy some good as well!!!! Al

                          in reply to: Scottish Stones of Strength #21537
                          Al Myers

                            O Chad – I would have NEVER said anything here till Francis officially gave the report and results on the IronMind site! You know that! I’m fully aware of all the “backstage drama” that has been behind this coming to fruition. I’ll cut you a little slack here on accusing me of something like that since I know you have to be totally exhausted by now and your mind is probably foggy since you don’t have me along to keep you awake while you drive. haha Here’s the Ironmind report by Francis:


                            That pretty good that you made the picture on the IM site by the way!!! I gotta love the shirt you are wearing!!!

                            BTW – the dinnie stone hate monger is already at work on the IM forum bashing this great performance of you guys. Again – GREAT JOB! Al

                            in reply to: Scottish Stones of Strength #21541
                            Al Myers

                              Chad, GREAT SHOWING!!!

                              That is something that someone walked the distance of the bridge. Truly impressive! And you got to be there to see it firsthand, AND PARTICIPATE!!

                              It’s really a great thing that a couple of allrounders (you and Mark) were able to represent in this world stone challenge. I’m sure I can speak on behalf of the entire organization (the USAWA and the IAWA) here that we are very proud of your accomplishments.

                              Please keep us posted on how the rest of the challenge goes, and how you do in Berlin. Al

                              in reply to: Any tips? #21548
                              Al Myers


                                Let me give you an answer to the stiff arm pullover as defined by the IAWA(UK) rules. I’ve promised myself that I won’t bash the lift rules being used in IAWA competitions anymore (worlds and the Gold Cup), so I’ll try to be diplomatic in my answer. I still feel bothered by what happened to you at the Gold Cup with your fingers deadlift. It is totally unacceptable for the rule book to be so unclear that a lifter is not fully informed of the lift rules (and infractions) by reading the rulebook. There should not be any “unwritten” rules to any lift – and if there are they need to be corrected soon after they are brought to attention.

                                Now back to the stiff arm pullover –

                                The IAWA(UK) rules DO NOT specify anything as it applies to width of grip. The USAWA calls this lift the straight arm pullover, and does specify a shoulder width grip as a maximum width of grip to prevent someone from taking a “collar to collar” grip to aide the lift by shortening the range of motion. (now don’t be surprised if this is NOT allowed on meet day at the IAWA Worlds – one should know the unwritten rules – said with sarcasm).

                                Also, the USAWA rulebook has this line in it that the IAWA(UK) rulebook DOES NOT “The bar may be held above the body and lowered to the platform prior to the start of the lift. However, the bar must be paused on the platform prior to receiving a command from the official to begin the lift”. But IAWA allows this also with this lift – as a prior precedent in past IAWA World Championships (2009) have supported. But like any “unwritten” rule – it may be changed on a whim and not allowed at this world championships (more sarcasm) since it is not specified in the rulebook. Hope this helps (but probably just confused the issue instead!). Al

                                in reply to: Official Certification #21569
                                Al Myers

                                  Thom, I was gonna make another “dig” on you – but since you told me you love me I’ll let it pass this time. haha Al

                                  PS Now don’t forget to send that list to Joe before your card expires!!!!

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