Al Myers

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  • in reply to: Pullover & Push Video #22542
    Al Myers

      Well James – I kinda made an assumption that one WOULD NOT be using a high quality Olympic bar (like your Werksan) for ANY lift other than a Snatch or a Clean and Jerk!!!! I would give a good cussin to anyone in the Dino Gym if one of my quality bars were being used in a way it was not intended to be used!!! And high-end Olympic bars should only be used with bumpers, and for the Olympic lifts or slight deviations of the Olympic lifts.

      But back to the issue of rotation that you addressed. You want to use a bar that has some sleeve rotation (as you need to develop speed on the platform to reach your chest if you have a thick chest, thus the plates must be able to spin), but not TOO MUCH as then the plate rotation will not stop when the bar comes into position on the chest, and will interfere in the push part of the lift. Unless if you use the “roll and pound” technique that I use which uses the rotation to your advantage in gaining momentum going into the push since everything happens in one motion.

      Plate rotation on the one arm clean and jerk is even more critical to control. Bob Burtzloff early on told me to pick the WORSE BAR in the gym in regards to sleeve rotation to do this lift. Plate rotation causes the bar to want to “windmill” on you upon lockout of the jerk. Less rotation = less windmilling, and that’s a good thing because you WILL NOT receive the down command until the bar is motionless. Al

      in reply to: Pullover & Push Video #21632
      Al Myers

        James, There has been some excellent blogs written on the Pullover and Press on the USAWA website – if you haven’t seen them they are all worth reading.

        Here is one I wrote a few years ago:

        The Pullover and Push Part 3 – Technique and my Secret Tips

        This lift has taken my quite a while to learn completely. It looks like you are off to a good start! Al

        in reply to: Pullover & Push Video #22544
        Al Myers

          James, There has been some excellent blogs written on the Pullover and Press on the USAWA website – if you haven’t seen them they are all worth reading.

          Here is one I wrote a few years ago:

          The Pullover and Push Part 3 – Technique and my Secret Tips

          This lift has taken my quite a while to learn completely. It looks like you are off to a good start! Al

          in reply to: Pullover & Push Video #21634
          Al Myers

            Looking good James!!

            But 30 minute videos are too long for me to even watch!!! haha

            in reply to: Pullover & Push Video #22546
            Al Myers

              Looking good James!!

              But 30 minute videos are too long for me to even watch!!! haha

              in reply to: KS strongest man #21644
              Al Myers

                Also – Bryan Benzel won the heavyheights, and Dan Mather won the lightweights (under 200#). Bryan has done several USAWA comps, and Dan has done a couple (including one Nationals in 06).

                Great job everyone!

                in reply to: Congrats to Dan W. #21684
                Al Myers

                  haha Dan – That’s why I selected THAT picture, so you would remember the occasion!

                  However, the db has long been fixed.

                  Congrats Dan!!

                  in reply to: Morning Workouts #21708
                  Al Myers

                    Dear Train Man,

                    Since this question mentioned me, I think it best I give a response! It’s true – I used to work out in the early morning (as early as 5 AM), but I very rarely train that early anymore. It seems as I’ve got older I’m not near ready physically to hit the iron as I just flop out of bed as I used to on a regular basis! Most of my training now occurs late afternoon after I’ve had time to “loosen” things up.

                    But when I did train early, I did experiment with different eating patterns. Nothing scientific here – just trial and error on what worked for me. I found that a simple breakfast bar was all I needed beforehand to get in a good 2 hour workout, followed by a big breakfast of eggs and bacon after the workout.


                    in reply to: IMPORTANT NOTICE #21751
                    Al Myers

                      His main job is to keep the perverts of the forum. I have to wonder where he sets his standards to meet that criteria!!!!!

                      Al Myers

                        Great lifting Timo!!!!

                        in reply to: Ron and Roy #21772
                        Al Myers

                          Yep, for sure ET !!! At least you didn’t ask about supersuits being used in the USAWA.(Whoops – shouldn’t have mentioned that!!!)

                          in reply to: Ron and Roy #21774
                          Al Myers

                            Guys – Lots of things have happened in the USAWA in the past that I have made me “shake my head”. I’m sure the issue with this meet is that it was sanctioned by the USAWA, and was NEVER INTENDED for the 12″ base deadlift to be performed in it by the meet director. But due to miscommunication and other issues, it got placed in the results as that and then into the record list. I do remember hearing once (I think for Joe McCoy??) that this meet had a dual sanction with another PL organization. I will have to ask Joe that the next time I talk to him. That is the cause of the baby powder on the legs, as most all PL organizations allow it. Thus one of the many reasons now that our bylaws state: “Sanctioned USAWA competitions and or events must not be sanctioned with any other organization. Violation of this will result in loss of USAWA sanction.” Sanctioning with multiple organizations that have different rules causes a major conflict of rules, and something always ends up “bending”. However, that bylaw was NOT IN PLACE at that time. Nor was there drug testing in the USAWA at the time either – no real drug testing happened in the USAWA till 2002, and only in 2010 did we test more than a meet or two per year which was very inadequate. I hope this explains some of the reasons why these things happened. Al

                            in reply to: Frank’s BBC Record #21877
                            Al Myers

                              Welcome to the forum Dave!!!! Al

                              in reply to: Beginnings #21781
                              Al Myers

                                I really enjoy Dave’s stories! This one made me reminisce about my “early days” lifting as well. In Jr. High, my parents bought my brother and me a 110 lb weight set with a bench from Sears. We started training with NO IDEA of what we were doing – but made gains anyhow. The 1″ bar got bent and the light-weight bench is long gone, but I STILL have those plates (and I still use them!!!).

                                in reply to: UntrapT Push Presses…. #21785
                                Al Myers

                                  I really like the idea of having the “rackable” trap bar. This would allow it to be used in the power rack for pulls or even presses. Thanks James!

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