Al Myers

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  • in reply to: Zercher Meet #22008
    Al Myers


      No – the Zercher was not officially sanctioned by the USAWA. Bill did send me ten dollars and a short note AFTER the event was contested, but that does not meet the sanction criteria outlined by the USAWA in the Rulebook and the Bylaws.

      These are the guideline, which come from the USAWA Rulebook available free on the USAWA website:

      From Rulebook:

      VIII. The Competition
      3. To be an official sanctioned USAWA event, an application for meet sanction must be completed, signed, and returned with the sanction fee to the USAWA Secretary for approval by the executive board.

      4. All sanction requests must be sent in for approval at least 6 weeks prior to the scheduled event. A sanction request is approved once the competition or event has been placed on the USAWA event schedule.

      5. All sanctioned competitions must have a Meet Director. A single person or multiple people may be assigned the Meet Director. This position is stated on the sanction application. The Meet Director will be the contact for the USAWA Secretary.

      From Bylaws:

      A. All USAWA Competitions and/or events must be sanctioned.
      B. The sanction fee is and must be sent to the Secretary/Treasurer for approval.
      C. The sanction request form must be completely filled out and signed by the contact individual for the competition/event.
      D. Sanctioned USAWA competitions and/or events must not be sanctioned with any other organization (with the exception of the IAWA). Violation of this will result in loss of USAWA sanction.

      One of my jobs as secretary is to process sanction requests. I’m not doing my job correctly if I violate USAWA Rules/Bylaws when doing this, and if I do, I should be removed from this position and replaced with someone who could do it right.

      I feel the guidelines for applying for sanction are VERY STRAIGHT FORWARD. Sanction applications are available online and there really is no reason someone should not be able to follow the rules set on this. I know Bill is not “on the computer”, but that is not a good excuse anymore, as surely he knows someone who is that could assist him in this process???

      Joe – Lets continue this discussion in a private email. Al

      in reply to: Postals #22017
      Al Myers

        They will be announced tomorrow.

        in reply to: Good Luck #22030
        Al Myers

          ET, Good luck to you as well in your strongman meet you are hosting. It looks like you are getting a good field of strongmen entered in it. Al

          in reply to: Mike Burk Fulton World Record??? #22067
          Al Myers

            Timo, I was referring to Schedule 80, extra strong carbon Steel pipe that has an OD of 1.9″. Pipe is sold by inside diameter readings, so this would be 1.5″ ID pipe, to give this 1.9″ OD. This is what most use for a 2″ bar when buying pipe, as it is a common size used in industry.

            You made another good point by stating that smaller pipe allows more plate rotation, which increases the ease of lifting. This is especially noticeable when a 2″ bar is cleaned and taken overhead. Since the 2″ bar has no rotating sleeves, and if the fit is “tight” between the bar and plates, it creates angular momentum when the bar is “turned over” as the plates will be “sticking” to the bar. This increases the difficulty. So you can see why using a 1.9″ bar would help – as there would be extra slack between the bar and the plates to allow natural rotation of the plates (which is the PURPOSE of rotating sleeves on bars).

            We always keep our collars “loose” when doing lifts like the overhead Apollons Lift as to allow this rotation. Al

            in reply to: Tom Ryan #22038
            Al Myers

              Tom, Thank you for posting this and letting us know how you are doing. I’m glad to see that you are still lifting – keep after it as it will help with the positive attitude!!! Al

              in reply to: Pinch Grip Loading Questions #22032
              Al Myers

                That’s right Dan – but it won’t take all that long because I will be standing there telling everyone what the optimum fronthang should be for them!!! haha

                But good point. Wait till you see the dumbbell swing in action in a meet if you want to see a loading “nightmare”. Up to 10 kgs front or backhang is allowed, which amount can be chosen by the lifter. So even if the same weight is selected to be lifted on the dumbbell, there are many different combinations of loads depending on the amount of backhang/fronthang picked by a lifter. One lifter might want the 10kgs, the next 5 kgs, the next a balanced dumbbell!!!! Usually lots of “headscratching” is done by the loaders to get the dumbbell loaded correctly!!! This lift’s loading is minor compared to that!! Al

                in reply to: Mike Burk Fulton World Record??? #22071
                Al Myers

                  Another comment –

                  An original Apollons Axle will be used as the Fulton Bar this weekend at the Grip Championships. Al

                  in reply to: Mike Burk Fulton World Record??? #22072
                  Al Myers

                    Sorry Dan, but I do not agree with you on this statement:

                    Now, what 2? bar is used seems irrelevant to me. After all, I use the Iron Mind AA in my training, it was the bar used last year at IAWA worlds, and 2? is 2?.

                    I have lifted on many 2″ bars around the World – and 2″ is not always 2″. In my opinion the Apollons Axle is much harder to grip than other “so-called” 2″ bars. The AA is a true 2″ and has a very smooth surface for gripping. Most 2″ bars that are used in other places in competition ARE NOT commercially made bars, like the AA. They often are made of pipe which may be sold as 2 inch pipe, but when you actually measure the outside diameter it is less (often 1.9″). The USAWA rules state the minimum is 1 -15/16″ for a Fulton Bar (IAWAUK rules don’t even give minimum specs, just state a 2″ bar must be used, which is seldom the case). Add in the fact that galvanized pipe is often the “pipe of choice”, and there’s another advantage. I love lifting on galvanized pipe as it has a texture feel to it, and gives more friction to your grip. I won’t even mention the times I’ve seen light knurling on a fulton bar, which definitely shouldn’t be allowed. So NO – 2″ is not always 2″!!!

                    in reply to: Pinch Grip Loading Questions #22034
                    Al Myers

                      Dan –

                      Hopefully, this will answer your questions.

                      The USAWA rules will be followed for the Pinch Grip Lift, which does allow front hang with any amount you want.

                      We will use two old style York 45’s as the pinching plates, with a 2″ VB in the center (of 18″ length).

                      Front Hang is definitely an advantage to lifting more weight. I have expermented with this quite a bit, and feel that, if loaded correctly, it gives an advantage of 25%-50% over that of a balanced center load. I won’t go into the mechanics why – because I know you know why. However, if you go excessive with fronthang, or load to far in front (like that picture of Scott’s, which I believe limited his max weight lifted. I know his grip and he is capable of WAY MORE than 180 if loaded right with fronthang, in this picture if he would have loaded farther back on the VB it would have enhanced the amount lifted) you will lift less weight. What I’m saying here with all this ramble is that the front hang has to be the perfect amount, loaded to the perfect distance, to maximize the amount you can lift. This applies to the plates used, their weight, and their thickness.

                      Now is this in the “spirit of pinchgripping” in my opinion – HECK NO!!!! But that’s the way the USAWA has been doing it. Al

                      in reply to: Mike Burk Fulton World Record??? #22081
                      Al Myers

                        The professor is right. Burkes lift was done without a hook according to the rules of the competition established by Randy, with input from Odd. I know the picture of him sorta looks like he might be hooking it (the thumb is turned in), but it was not supposed to be allowed. The following is the rule that was used:

                        2012 Ironmind Record Breaker

                        Double Overhand Deadlift World Record Challenge The athletes (reverse order of overall standing) will each attempt to dead lift the IronMind Apollon’s Axle™ loaded with standard plates, starting weight 160kg/352lb and increasing with each attempt till there is ONE MAN STANDING. Time starts when Axle is loaded, and athletes have 30 seconds to commence the lift. No grip aids other than
                        chalk allowed. Athletes must grip axle with knuckles on both facing away from body
                        (double overhand grip). Thumbless or locked thumb grip not allowed. Otherwise, standard power lifting rules (including Sumo style) apply, resting Axle on the thighs or any downward movement will NOT be allowed. Athletes must await referee’s down
                        signal before returning the Axle back to the platform all the while maintaining the grip/contact with Axle. The anticipated schedule of weights will be (subject to Referee’s judgment): 160kg/352lb; 180kg/396lb; 200kg/440lb; 210kg/463lb; 220kg/485lb; etc. Each athlete must lift the opening weight to be in the competition, but may “pass” on
                        subsequent weights as long as he does so prior to his turn. World record is 502lb set by Rich Williams (USA) June 26, 2010

                        in reply to: Mike Burk Fulton World Record??? #22086
                        Al Myers

                          One more thing –

                          James, I was there AS WELL at the Arnold when Henry did those three reps on the Apollons Axel loaded with 365 lbs.!!! It still remains as one of the most impressive strength feats I have ever seen first hand. Al

                          in reply to: Mike Burk Fulton World Record??? #22091
                          Al Myers

                            Dan – I’m assuming the reason they are calling it a World Record is because it was done with the IronMind Apollon’s Axle, and done under Randy’s “watch”. Big Matt did his 540# lift (which WAS hook gripped as well!), in Kevin Fulton’s barn and with a unspecified 2″ bar (not an original Apollons Axle). That was officially Matts top overhand 2″ bar lift.

                            That lift by Mike Burke is HUGE. One thing I noticed in the writeup was the reporting of the amount lifted. First they said 516 lbs., then later 235 kilograms. Well – they must be using a different conversion chart than what I use.


                            in reply to: My Training Adventure in Graduate School #22104
                            Al Myers

                              Great post Mike!!! Posts like this often make front page news of the websites Daily News. Al

                              in reply to: Extreme chinning #22138
                              Al Myers

                                I’ve always felt Goerners 308# MF deadlift reported by Mueller was a sub-maximal effort for him, compared to the other finger lifting marks he set. However, I still say its the mark to bet to truly call yourself “a great finger lifter”.

                                Timo – I hope you set your focus on the MF DL and put up a huge lift at a big meet with it, like the Gold Cup. I know you are capable of excess of 400 lbs after seeing how easily you lifted that 127.5 kg Index Finger DL in Scotland.

                                Great discussion guys!!! Al

                                in reply to: Bob’s Bombs #22108
                                Al Myers

                                  haha ET – Don’t worry as I will not be “officially” entered in the contest!!!!! I’m glad you liked the story. I could write an entire book about my experiences training with Bob Maxey. Al

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