Al Myers

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  • in reply to: Hackenschmidt Floor Press? #22338
    Al Myers

      oh how that question will be answered in tomorrows blog story…haha Dinoman

      PS If anyone has input on how they would like to see this rule written – today is the time to voice your concern!!!!

      in reply to: Hackenschmidt Floor Press? #22342
      Al Myers

        The floor press will be done lying on the platform with no arch. The bar height will be that of touching the chest for each lifter. This will be adjusted by blocks under the plates so that the bar touches the chest. The lift will start at the chest, and finish when both arms are locked out.

        I’ll try to get a blog ran on this soon explaining the full rules of this new OTSM lift (unofficial as of now). Al

        in reply to: JOHN DAVIS #22317
        Al Myers

          Yes, Davis is the one who is “infamous” as bending the Apollon Wheels. Willoughby reported that Davis could only clean the axle with an alternate grip, turning his right hand in mid-air as the bar came to the shoulders. This technique is hit and miss, and apparently there were a few too many misses. Al

          in reply to: Dinnie Stones #22350
          Al Myers

            Timo – I really enjoyed getting to meet you. You are a gifted strength athlete as well as a great guy to hang out with. Hopefully you will continue to stay very active in IAWA. It is exciting to see expansion of the countries involved in the IAWA. Al

            in reply to: Men vs. Women #22381
            Al Myers

              I would guess that this would be the majority view of USAWA members – that men and women compete separately in different divisions.

              Formulas, adjustments, and allowances never correct 100% to give fair competition. I DO feel that the Lynch Formula (the bodyweight correction that the USAWA/IAWA uses) is about as good as it gets. My feeling is based on the study I did on this a year or so ago. However, how did this 33% ever come about? Is it just a random picked percentage, or was there a statistical review done to derive it?

              Some would argue that equal rights (between men and women) should prevail, and men and women should be able to compete for the same big prize (that being overall best lifter of the meet). But when you have to do this by giving a handicap percentage, is it truly equal? I say not. Now if it is done WITHOUT a gender percentage allowance, that is another story altogether.

              I would like to hear how the women lifters feel on this. Al

              in reply to: Men vs. Women #22384
              Al Myers

                I was hoping Big T would say something that would upset the Professor.

                in reply to: OTSM Meets #22392
                Al Myers

                  One thing Thom and I discussed at this year’s OTSM Champs was avoiding a conflict with Arts Bday Bash next year. This year that wasn’t possible for several reasons. Thom is thinking of separating his Highland Games and the OTSM Champs into different weekends next year, so it could be possible to have the OTSM Champs later in the fall. Al

                  in reply to: new IAWA president? #22394
                  Al Myers

                    Thanks guys for the support!

                    When Steve asked me last year if I would be willing to take this position, I initially had some reservations. Steve has been such an outstanding President of the IAWA over the past 12 years that I knew it would be “big shoes to fill”. However, after thinking about it for a while, I knew I could perform the duties of President.

                    The biggest responsibility of the IAWA President is to attend all of the IAWA activites – which include the Worlds and Gold Cup every year – to oversee the proper administration of IAWA policy. Attending these functions is something I’ve been doing now, and plan to in the future, so that is not a problem.

                    I promise to do my best to continue what Steve has been doing. IAWA is a democratic organization that listens to the voice of the membership. I wholeheartly support that! We have a great World-wide organization. Al

                    in reply to: ? on postals. #22402
                    Al Myers

                      Jesse –

                      All lifters (regardless of who officiates them, certified or noncertified) are eligible for placings in postal meets, the postal series standings, postal meet awards,and any prize money that is being awarded (LOL). That’s they way it always has been.

                      However, the reason this information is stated this way in the meet results is because only lifters using certified officials are eligible for USAWA records. Our rules dictate that in the rulebook.


                      in reply to: Wayne Smith #22408
                      Al Myers

                        I’m thinking of Wayne Smith today as he is being laid to rest. Looking back, I am SO GLAD that he was able to attend the 2011 Nationals in Kirksville. I know that was a day he greatly enjoyed – as it brought back the many fond memories that he had of his lifting days. RIP Wayne.

                        in reply to: Wayne Smith #22411
                        Al Myers

                          Thom – The JWC and family will be in my prayers. I’ve been gone the past few days, but will get this news on the website immediately. Al

                          in reply to: This weekend #22417
                          Al Myers

                            I have a few things to say regarding last weekend at the OTSM Championships:

                            1. First – Thom did an EXCELLENT job of promoting the USAWA OTSM Championships. It was obvious Thom went to alot of work for this and promoted a meet that was Championship worthy! It was held in an outstanding venue, had great meet shirts, and very nice anvil awards.

                            2. Second – It’s a shame not more lifters showed up to compete in such a great event. However, those who did show up performed great, and several big lifts were put up! The concept of OTSM is very unique and offers a competition unlike other strongman competitions do, ie set event rules are followed and these are drug tested events.

                            3. And Third – For OTSM to grow in the USAWA, more local competitions need to be held throughout the organization, and in more areas than just the midwest. This next year I am going to make an effort to get more promoters involved in this. Tim Piper has already committed to holding an OTSM competition in Macomb this coming spring. My goal is to have at least 5 OTSM meets on the calendar for the coming year. More local events = more participants at the Championships.

                            in reply to: This weekend #22421
                            Al Myers

                              I’ll be there ET – but not lifting. Al

                              in reply to: Bent Press #22431
                              Al Myers

                                One of the GREAT THINGs about allround weightlifting is that no matter what physicial issues you may have, there are so many lifts that you can find something that you can do and enjoy. Now in the USAWA, we have several different Championships that recognize different areas of allround strength – the Heavies, the Grip Champs, OTSM, and team.

                                Add in the numerous record days, and you have lots of opportunities to find lifts that you can do and excell.

                                Welcome to the USAWA – and I hope to see you at a future event!!! Al

                                in reply to: John Vernacchio #22459
                                Al Myers

                                  Thanks Steve and Denny for this added information about John. I have added it to the story. Also, I see that he promoted THREE Gold Cups – 1992, 1996, & 2003. He was one active meet promoter!!!!

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