Al Myers

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  • in reply to: Team Championships #22891
    Al Myers

      haha Not much over the record that was set! We got 632#. We’re saving a little more for the team champs. Al

      in reply to: Averages/baselines of some All-round lifts #22888
      Al Myers

        I pretty much agree with Jesse – those marks he listed would be good lifts for a young lifter over 200 pounds BWT. I would add the Pullover and Press at over 250# to be in the same catagory as the others. Al

        in reply to: Team Championships #22894
        Al Myers

          Jesse, I sure hope you guys can make it to the Team Championships. It is a real fun competition, especially with the difficulties some of these lifts present doing them together with someone else. A few laughs are a guarantee. I put the fulton bar ciavattone grip deadlift in there just for you guys. And BTW – Troy and Bryan’s record no longer stands in the Dino Gym, courtesy of Scott and I. haha

          in reply to: Finger DL numbers? #22907
          Al Myers

            Timo, I watched your YouTube video of your index fingers deadlift. HUGE LIFT!!! You are well within the rules of the IAWA in the video (plus you held the weight at the top WAY beyond what is required!!). As easy as that looked, you should be over 300# very soon.

            I also watched your video of the weighted chair split. You have amazing flexibility. Have you ever tried the Van Dam Lift??? Al

            in reply to: Finger DL numbers? #22909
            Al Myers

              Welcome to the forum Timo!

              I have done some research on this. These are the absolute best marks in the IAWA record list (considered the World Records):

              DL – index: 113.8 kg by Frank Ciavattone
              DL – Little: 88.5 kg by Kevin Fulton
              DL – Middle: 182.5 kg by David Horne
              DL – Ring: 129.3 kg by Kevin Fulton

              If you are interested in seeing all the IAWA World Records they are available on the IAWA website (look under links on this website). It lists all the individual weight and age class records.

              I personally invite you to the IAWA Gold Cup in Glasgow, Scotland next fall to do a record lift. As far as I know, the IAWA has never had a lifter from Finland compete in an IAWA event. Al

              in reply to: Neck lift #22916
              Al Myers

                Correction made!!!

                You are right – that is Pat Povilaitis lifting his “humanvise” engine block at a past Atomic Athletic Picnic. I can’t believe I made that mistake!! Thanks for pointing that out to me. Al

                in reply to: I’M BACK! #22934
                Al Myers

                  I did snag one paddlefish this year that had it’s bottom jaw ripped out in the center. I could tell it was caused by a gaff. It had a tear in it’s side where I could tell a hook was at one time. Hopefully this wasn’t the one you missed cause it was a nice fish!!!! haha Al

                  in reply to: I’M BACK! #22936
                  Al Myers

                    I HATE THAT when I miss with the gaff!!!

                    One of these years we need to meet up when we’re snagging. I absolutely love snagging and wish I could take more days off during the season for it. Al

                    in reply to: I’M BACK! #22940
                    Al Myers


                      Since there are no guesses, I’ll tell everyone….58 pounds!

                      in reply to: results #22924
                      Al Myers

                        I judged them and they both were great lifts. His front squat was at least 2 inches below parallel. Once he figures out that knee wraps are now allowed in the front squat, I predict he’ll go over 500. Al

                        in reply to: results #22926
                        Al Myers

                          Orie, Sorry I haven’t responded yet to your email to me about this. I have been on a fishing trip and still trying to catch up on things. But since you asked it here – I’ll answer it here as it may help others understand the USAWA scoring system.

                          First each lifters total pounds are adjusted for bodyweight using the Lynch Formula. This chart is found on the left of the homepage under “Scoring Information”. Second, these adjusted Lynch points are amended for age. 1% per year is added starting at age 40. This gives you the final points.So here goes the calculations.

                          Sam (882.5 pounds)x(.8695 LF)x (1.10 Age factor)= 844.067 Points
                          Orie (893.5 pounds)x(.8264 LF)x(1.12 age factor)= 826.995 Points

                          I hope this makes sense. Al

                          in reply to: results #22930
                          Al Myers

                            I’ll have the results ready to be ran tomorrow on the website. Al

                            in reply to: Bill Goode Dumbell #22948
                            Al Myers

                              They are different dumbbells but both were owned by WLT at one time. If you look very closely at the pictures of each you can see the differences.

                              The dumbbell I consider the Travis Dumbbell is the one at the York Museum. It was this big dumbbell that sit out in front of Bob Hoffmans house for years. Al

                              in reply to: NOTES TO MYSELF #22962
                              Al Myers

                                ET – I thought of you as I was writing that story, and about our discussion of this topic as we were judging at your meet!! Al

                                in reply to: James Lift Records?? #22969
                                Al Myers

                                  Thanks Roger for this history on the James Lift. I will add your comments to the James Lift blog to make it complete. Al

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