Al Myers

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  • in reply to: The Officials Systems #23262
    Al Myers

      ET – my point EXACTLY! I felt that way from the beginning when the one official system was proposed by Bill. The argument I always hear from the English is that “three is better than one”, which I don’t argue with. It’s just not always practical to have that many officials present in small postal meets or gym record days. I have explained this many times – its not that we are AGAINST having three officials (and we usually do whenever possible). Just when your choice is one official or no meet, I would chose the one official.

      in reply to: hurt knee equals no contest #23273
      Al Myers

        That’s terrible news Ben! I just hope things heal up fast for you, and even if you can’t compete, you will be able to make it to the meet. Al

        in reply to: Couple of questions #23286
        Al Myers

          Jesse, That is allowed. But if you are competing as well as officiating, you will need to make arrangements to have someone else available to judge your lifts. Al

          in reply to: Bill Clark #23291
          Al Myers

            haha I KNEW THAT – I was just “testing” you!

            in reply to: Bill Clark #23294
            Al Myers

              haha I’m NEVER going to win this debate if you and Thom are both ganging up on me! So I better quit now!!!!

              in reply to: Battle in the Barn #23434
              Al Myers

                ET, You have to have patience with these all rounders when it comes to them sending in entries. They are as slow as a turle running the 100 meters! Nothing like the strongman guys – who send entries to you before you get the entry form written. My Dino Challenge is 10 days out and I’m STILL waiting on my first entry – and I’m not even worried yet! haha Al

                in reply to: Bill Clark #23296
                Al Myers

                  Joe, Welcome to the club – you’ve just been “Ryanized”. LOL

                  I made the spelling correction in the story. That is the beauty of website stories – corrections can be made at any time with just a “click”. I do think it is very important that the facts be accurate in stories, because you never know who might reference this material in the future. There is lots of misinformation on the internet and I don’t want to be part of that. I DO appreciate anyone who notices mistakes and points them out to me (thanks again Tom!). Al

                  in reply to: Bill Clark #23300
                  Al Myers

                    Hmm Dale, I would argue that Bill may be a Triceratops now (since he gave up red meat), but at one time he was definitely a T-Rex, as displayed by his red meat-eating exploits at Alexanders. But as far as the T-Rex/Triceratops battles I think the T-Rex would not only win, but eat the Triceratops as well! Proof of this comes from Wikipedia – “It shared the landscape with and was preyed upon by the fearsome Tyrannosaurus”

                    No one can expect a vegetarian to have any real strength!!!! haha THE DINOMAN, expert on all things dinosauer related

                    in reply to: Bill Clark #23304
                    Al Myers

                      And of course I have to mention that this story points out where All-Round Weightlifting originated – KANSAS!!! Not Missouri like everyone thinks. LOL Dinoman

                      in reply to: Bill Clark #23305
                      Al Myers

                        This was a much needed story on Bill. I thought I knew all of his weightlifting contributions, but then I learn he did even more than “what I thought”! Great story by Joe – and just wait till tomorrow with the PART TWO. Good stuff. Al

                        in reply to: Membership Renewal #23332
                        Al Myers

                          Ben – I never got the check either!! Al

                          in reply to: Cold Douche #23322
                          Al Myers

                            It was England – get your story right!!!haha Al

                            in reply to: Thom & the Rolling Pin #23326
                            Al Myers

                              It takes a big man to admit that his wife “works him over” with a rolling pin. So Thom – Does Kelly beat you down with the rolling pin every evening, or is it just for special occassions??

                              in reply to: Zercher’s Zercher #23329
                              Al Myers

                                I would so much agree!! How cool is it that Ed Zercher’s LAST Zercher Record was broken by Art???? That is why I ran that story. I’m going to print todays story off and send it to Art – because I even wonder if he knows this!!!! Al

                                in reply to: Rules changes #23364
                                Al Myers

                                  Now since the USAWA rule has been changed to “be easier” in the Cheat Curl than before, I think I’m going to gain 30 pounds and break the USAWA record in it in the 45-49 age group, 125+ kg wt class. I looked this record up and I think the added advantage of heel raise will be all I need to break it!

                                  But Thom – would this be the “right” thing to do? Or would I have quilty feelings for breaking a record with the new easier rules? But I’m I guy who show’s RESPECT – so I guess I’m just going to pass on this one. haha

                                Viewing 15 posts - 571 through 585 (of 1,093 total)