Al Myers

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  • in reply to: Alexeev Photo #24039
    Al Myers

      I guess it will be tomorrow with the update. I promised myself I would stay off the computer today

      in reply to: Alexeev Photo #24044
      Al Myers

        Haha I knew you would say that Tom as soon as I posted that reply!! Denny is the first person on the second row, from left to right!!

        The full story will appear tomorrow, including how Denny was involved in a middle of the night “firecracker incident” that woke Alexseev up and caused him to storm angerly into the hall looking for the guilty culprit!

        I’m sure at that point every one was saying “the guy with the glasses lit it!”

        in reply to: Alexeev Photo #24050
        Al Myers

          BINGO!!!! The Professor is a winner!!!!

          in reply to: Inch Dumbbell #24056
          Al Myers

            Steve, I’m glad you are putting your best lifts on YouTube. I have watched all of them and they are VERY IMPRESSIVE! It is one thing to look at a record in the record list and be impressed, but it is another thing to watch these record lifts on video. Your lifts are very well executed. I couldn’t believe your big Zerchers. You seem to have the perfect body type for this lift. I noticed when you did the Continental to Belt Zercher style you hardly had to lower the bar from the arms to the belt. I have tried it that way and have major problems getting the bar out of my arms and onto the belt. Just out of curiosity, have you ever tried the Continental to Belt traditional style?? And if you did, how did your lifts compare?? I know you haven’t done many Zerchers since your bicep repair. That is my biggest problem with the Zercher now (the pain caused by the bar resting on the attachment pins in my arms) since I have had both of my biceps surgically repaired. Did you have this same issue? Al

            in reply to: Alexeev Photo #24055
            Al Myers

              It’s not Ed (but you are getting close hint hint. Also, Steve Jeck is not in the picture either (Steve’s a little too young to be in that picture), and I WISH I could say my dad LaVerne was in that picture but he’s not. (if he was I probably would have pulled a Thom by now and mentioned it in a website story by now haha).

              I do promise to have the full report on this mystery picture sometime next week. Al

              in reply to: barefoot lifting #24031
              Al Myers

                This is interesting. I have NEVER lifted without shoes on. I do use different shoes for different lifts. Actually, the sheer thought of lifting without shoes on would bother me. The only time I don’t have shoes on is when I’m sleeping – I even wear houseshoes in the house!! I don’t think my sensitive feet could take lifting without something to protect them!!! But that’s just me. Al

                in reply to: Got New Bar Today #24019
                Al Myers

                  Congrats on the purchase of the Werksan bar. It is a great bar and one I hope to get as well. A good bar definitely helps in several of the lifts. I have over 30 bars in the gym, and each one is used for different lifts! Al

                  in reply to: Alexeev Photo #24062
                  Al Myers

                    Great job guys!!! The truth is I know A LOT MORE than I have let on about this picture. One of the guys in the picture you should recognize as he is a very active person in the USAWA. Al PS Tom – John still thinks he is 25 years old.

                    in reply to: Thom’s vision #24069
                    Al Myers

                      Tom, I can see that you have done your research on this and really believe in it. I must admit that at first I thought you were “testing” the field with a joke, and was “fishing” for someone to fall for it. But then again, I should have known better, since you are not the joking kind. (LOL)

                      I read through all those links you posted. I am still a bit skeptical, but will give some of those exercises a try. I also took the eyesight test that you posted a link to – that was very interesting!!! Thanks. But I do plan to follow this advice that was given on one of those websights, “when doing these exercises, make sure that you’re not facing anybody, or that they know you’re doing eye exercises. Otherwise they might think you’ve gone nuts.” hahahaha Al

                      in reply to: Thom’s vision #24075
                      Al Myers

                        Jarrod, If I was you I would try lasix surgery before Tom’s eyeball exercises. haha Sorry Tom – I’m a bit of a skeptic on this!!! Al

                        in reply to: The Long Journey to York Barbell: Part II #24082
                        Al Myers

                          And don’t forget all the free rubbing liniment – you will get “covered” in axel grease if you aren’t carefull!!!

                          in reply to: The Long Journey to York Barbell: Part II #24087
                          Al Myers

                            So TRUE!!! That’s how modern fitness is different from the ole days of physical culture.

                            Physical Culture was conducted in “Gyms”, short for gymnasium which meant it was for physical activity and sports, and included activities such a weight training, boxing, and wrestling.

                            Modern fitness is conducted at “health clubs”. After a brish walk on a treadmile (in the ole days if you wanted to walk you did that outdoors), you may enjoy a nutritious smoothie shake at the clubs health bar, followed by a rub down by one of the masseurs on staff.

                            WE ARE GETTING SOFT!!!! (says the dinoman)

                            in reply to: The Long Journey to York Barbell: Part II #24095
                            Al Myers

                              Well you are about 1000 years old – what do you expect??

                              in reply to: The Long Journey to York Barbell: Part II #24099
                              Al Myers

                                I don’t know what I would do without you two guys catching these kind of things! Thom is such a gifted writer that he doesn’t even have to re-read ONCE what he writes so typos are pretty common for him. I normally clean up these things for him, and I can’t believe this one slipped by me. (or maybe I let it slip by me on purpose since he was mentioning the year he was born, and we all know he is starting to show his age??? haha)

                                in reply to: David Whitley #24107
                                Al Myers

                                  I did get to visit shortly with Dennis Rogers. He’s an extremely friendly man. I visited VERY shortly with Slim. I gotta admit that I was a little intimated by him and I didn’t even shake his hand after he about broke Thoms. The funny thing is that later in the day I noticed my Dad carrying on a LONG conversation with Slim (it seemed like it lasted at least 20 minutes). I knew my Dad didn’t even know who Slim was beforehand and I couldn’t imagine what they were talking about!! It turns out the conversation between them had nothing to do with lifting or strongman. Slim is a very modest man and I could tell that the day’s festivities honoring him was a bit too much for him, and he probably just appreciated talking to someone who didn’t want his autograph or their picture taken with him!! Al

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