Al Myers

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  • in reply to: Watching My Back #24342
    Al Myers

      GOOD POINT!!

      I have never noticed imbalances with this muscle (QL) while lifting, but I did when I was throwing in the Highland Games. I attributed it to throwing the Scottish Hammer and doing all of my swings in only one direction. When I also started doing hammer swings in the opposite direction in training I felt it corrected this imbalance. I assumed it was this since I felt the muscle tightness in only one side, and deeper than typical back muscle pain. Al

      in reply to: Things I hate…. #24360
      Al Myers

        John – IAWA accepted the Squat and Deadlift (for some reason the Bench Press wasn’t listed in the minutes) at the 1997 IAWA Championships in Collegeville, PA. To my knowledge, the USAWA has never discussed or voted on this matter at an USAWA National meeting. Al

        in reply to: Things I hate…. #24368
        Al Myers

          Good discussion – please keep it a coming!

          Another couple of points of thought:

          Doesn’t the ALL in All-Round supposed to mean ALL lifts?

          Or does All-Round really just mean the Odd Lifts (which it was called before the USAWA/IAWA days) which excludes the Normal Lifts (the PLs and the Olympic lifts)?

          Is it a good thing to change our original beliefs and principles that our organization was formed on? If we do we will no longer be the unique lifting organization that we are now.

          And if we are really interested in introducing competitive lifting to youths (by allowing the PLs as official USAWA lifts) – don’t you think the clean ought to be included as a lift as well? Afterall, it is always included in HS lifting competitions now.

          Also – when you say “official IAWA lifts” what IAWA rulebook are you referring to? The last time I checked there wasn’t one – we have our USAWA Rulebook and the English have their IAWA(UK) Rulebook. Hmm… that’s a stumper!!

          in reply to: Things I hate…. #24377
          Al Myers

            Good point John –

            My question is how many PL organizations already provide this:
            1. Consistent drug testing
            2. No supersuits or bench shirts allowed
            3. Strict judging using certified officials

            BTW, lets start adding physique contests as well if adding new members is our primary goal. Al

            in reply to: Things I hate…. #24382
            Al Myers

              Another point:

              One of the founding principles of the USAWA (and also the IAWA) was to officially recognize lifts not contested in other lifting organizations. This initially was a belief beyond that of Bills (and included some English lifters). The lifts in question were the basic powerlifts (squat, bench, and deadlift) and the two Olympic Lifts (the Clean and Jerk and the Snatch). Afterall, there are plenty of other organizations that offer these lifts in competition. The IAWA(UK) (and the IAWA) has now officially accepted these lifts as official lifts but the USAWA has not.

              So the BIG QUESTION is do we change one of our founding principles? and in a way “rewrite” our constitution? I welcome feedback on this. Al

              in reply to: Things I hate…. #24385
              Al Myers

                Thom, New proposed lifts must FIRST sent to the executive board for approval, and must be done more than 30 days prior to the meeting to allow time for this process to happen. Al

                in reply to: LARRY TRAUB #24366
                Al Myers

                  haha ET – you just set yourself up for a future award!!!

                  in reply to: The PJ Roller has arrived #24356
                  Al Myers

                    61 – That’s a very cool wrist roller!!! I’m putting that on my list of “projects” to make for the gym. I do already have a wrist roller kinda similiar – the IronMind Twist yo Wrist (I think that’s a dumb name for it!). This roller is molded plastic with plastic knurling to help with the grip. But still I like yours better!!! Al

                    in reply to: LARRY TRAUB #24375
                    Al Myers

                      We are VERY fortunate that Larry is letting us run this 2-part story series of his on the website. When I first read it, I felt it was “worthy” of print publication, but Larry wanted it ran on our website instead. His views represent the feelings of our organization in regards to equipment and drugs. Thanks Larry for this great story!!! Al

                      in reply to: Dukum & Nationals #24401
                      Al Myers

                        Thanks for that info Thom. The Dukum Inn looks like the CLASSIC PLACE to have our post meet get-together. I’m sure we will have more fun than we can take at your Nationals. It’s time for everyone to fill out their entry form and send it in!!! Al PS Have we met there after one of your Highland Games?? It sure looks familiar to me.

                        in reply to: Deanna Meet #24428
                        Al Myers

                          Last weekends Deanna WAS a great meet! I have been to several Deanna Meets, and this one had to go down as one of the best.

                          I second what Joe said about meets being a good workout. When I was powerlifting, I would prepare several weeks for a meet. Now I just go to some meets without any preparation!! But I’m not as bad as some lifters – at least I know what lifts are going to be contested when I get there!!! (haha YOU know who I’m talking about!). Al

                          in reply to: 350lb Axle Ciavattone Deadlift #24416
                          Al Myers

                            Wow – great lift Ben!

                            in reply to: Deanna Meet #24436
                            Al Myers

                              What an unbelievable weekend!!! I am “bone tired” this morning from yesterdays meet. Heavy lift meets like the Deanna makes you feel sore in a different way than other meets as your bones and joints ache along with your muscles. I want to thank Joe for running the meet in Bill’s abscence and as expected, he did a marvelous job. We had 7 lifters and finished in a little over 3 hours. I got LOTS of stories from this one, and hopefully will get my meet report written today – but a nap may have to come first!!! Al

                              in reply to: More Grip Strength Loonieness!! #24463
                              Al Myers

                                Jarrod – great article!!! I have trained with clubs just a little, but now I think maybe I should use them more. I got to wonder though – why did you use a picture of Karena besides yourself with the story?? Surely you’re not as ugly as Big T (not that THAT stops him!!!). Al

                                in reply to: More Grip Strength Loonieness!! #24471
                                Al Myers

                                  haha Welcome to the world of all-round weightlifting!

                                  All-Round Weightlifters are a strange breed – and DEFINITELY not the normal weightlifters. We love pain, and the more it hurts the better. I have always said THAT is the reason more lifters are not involved in all round lifting. Most “normal” lifters like the feel of a good soreness after a workout, but when it comes to cuts, lacerations, deep bruises, and tissue being torn away – that’s just a little too extreme! Al

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