Al Myers

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  • in reply to: DINO #24869
    Al Myers

      That’s usually true!!! At least we try our hardest to. However Thom, your record in the water bottle blowup is still on the Dino Gym Record Board. It hasn’t been broken yet. I’m still trying to find a gym member “more windy” than you! Al

      in reply to: DINO #24874
      Al Myers

        Yeah – I issued Mike the challenge and he did it!! I had an extra steel plank and told him if he broke the Dino Gym record in the plank deadlift I would give it to him – which he did with a lift of 190 pounds. But it wasn’t much longer and Mark took his record back!! Al

        in reply to: DINO #24878
        Al Myers

          Ben – I’m glad you got the Saxon Plank. You will have a lot of fun with it! I have had a steel one for some time and use it for a variety of movements. Try doing curls with it – tremendous forearm workout! We also do pinch grip deadlifts with it. I think Mark has the Dino Gym record with a lift of 195 pounds – and that was on the steel plank, not the wood plank. Al

          in reply to: DINO #24884
          Al Myers

            What an exciting weekend at the Dino Gym!!! Thanks everyone for making this happen. Everything went according to schedule – and we even finished on time! Not very many times do you go to a competition that has 18 lifters and 5 events and finish under 4 hours.

            I finally got the meet report done. I hope it’s not too long! I could’ve said more than what I did! I didn’t even tell any Thom stories. Al

            in reply to: Last Call – Dino Challenge #24872
            Al Myers

              Travis – I KNOW you would enjoy all round lifting! It is more laid back than powerlifting or strongman comps – most lifters just come to have a good time. All Round lifting can be very humbling (to say the least) so the sheer nature of it keeps lifters away that have big egos. You may excel at one lift and then completely suck at the next lift. That’s just the way it is. Al

              in reply to: Last Call – Dino Challenge #24876
              Al Myers

                Everything is ready to go for this weekend! All I got left to do is some light cleaning and setup. We will have a All-Round weightlifting legend in attendance this weekend. I talked to Wilbur Miller last night on the phone and he’s planning on coming! That is exciting! Al

                in reply to: Heavy bar #24898
                Al Myers

                  Good question and one I don’t have an answer for! Does anyone else know the answer to this??? Al

                  in reply to: Nitpicking #24894
                  Al Myers

                    The mystery of the hands???? ! I can only guess as to when this picture was taken – possibly the 1991 Zercher??? It appears 20 years old (from Bill’s dark hair) and Steve put up a big hip lift that day (2200# – 900# more than the NEXT competitor). Several of the plates on the bar are not 100#s, but rather deep dish 45’s. The wrist and hands appear thick, thus ruling out Dave Hahn, Al Springs, and Dale. Also, I notice the watch is on the left arm, meaning the person in question is probably right handed. My guess is that it is YOU TOM!!! Al PS How close am I on this?

                    in reply to: Nitpicking #24895
                    Al Myers

                      Tom, haha I’m not going to argue or inargue with you on the proper use of words! After all the errors you found of mine in the Rule Book review – I fear you like I did my Sophomore English teacher!

                      Steve definitely has had dominance in the Hip, Back and Harness Lifts thru the history of the USAWA. But with the Neck and Hand and Thigh Lifts – others have done more even though I consider Steve pretty good at those lifts as well. Here’s my top 5 Heavy Lifters of All-Time in the USAWA:

                      1. Steve Schmidt
                      2. Frank Ciavattone
                      3. Howard Prechtel
                      4. Joe Garcia
                      5. John Carter

                      And in that ORDER! Al

                      in reply to: Dino Challenge Auction #24912
                      Al Myers

                        Ben, If you know what you want to bid just let me or Thom and we’ll put it in the box for you. But better tell me instead of Thom cause he might outbid you if he knew your bid!!! haha Al

                        in reply to: 2010 Year in Review #24963
                        Al Myers

                          I’M FINALLY DONE WITH THIS PROJECT!!

                          Final count – 441 pages and 164,869 words! Definitely more than you would want to read in one evening! Last year’s review was 245 pages and 80,873 pages, so we doubled the words (mostly because of Thom’s long-winded stories).

                          If anyone wants a hard copy let me know, but this could cost $80 or more to get printed. I will ONLY get them printed when I have the money in hand. The file is a large one (10,331 KB in a word document, and will be bigger in a pdf). It may be too big to email.

                          BUT IT IS DONE!! So 2010 can be put behind me! Al

                          in reply to: Dino Challenge Auction #24916
                          Al Myers

                            Thom – I made something “special” for you. You probably know what it is already – since you gave me the idea!

                            It looks like we are going to have a big turnout. We will divide into two groups to speed the meet up – open in one group, masters in the other group. The order of events will be: 1. Saxon Snatch, 2. Apollons lift, 3. Cyr Press, 4. Dinnie Lift, 5. Goerner Stroll. The masters will start, and then when they are finished with the first event the open will start and the masters will move to the second event. We got to get done in time so we can all meet at LaFiesta in Abilene for a late lunch. This meet will be drug tested. I want EVERYONE to know that up front! Al

                            in reply to: John Davis Video #24925
                            Al Myers

                              If All-Round Weightlifting meets were held in Davis’s time, he would have been unbeatable!! Outstanding in the Olympic lifts, but still very strong in the power-type lifts. I can’t think of an All-Round lift that he wouldn’t have excelled at. Al

                              in reply to: Dinnie lift #24922
                              Al Myers

                                I’ll take that as a compliment!!!!

                                in reply to: Saxon Snatch #24928
                                Al Myers

                                  I think by next week I will have a good start on a list. Scott is donating some items from Dino Strength also. This meet is going to be a GOOD TIME! Al

                                Viewing 15 posts - 886 through 900 (of 1,093 total)