Al Myers

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  • in reply to: Patches #25000
    Al Myers

      Orie, Sorry for the slow response on this – usually I don’t miss anything on the forum! The USAWA doesn’t have any patches for sell – I had a few made last year but I’m about out of them (less than 10 left). I really need to keep those for winners of the “quiz of the week” over these next couple of months. I plan to have some more made in the spring (at the same time I have some USAWA TShirts done) that will be available for sale. Doing both things at the same time keeps the costs lower. Eventually I would like to have a section on the website that has misc USAWA stuff for sale. That’s a project I need to get working on!!! Al

      in reply to: Roger Davis #25013
      Al Myers


        in reply to: USAWA Nationals Entry is up!!! #25026
        Al Myers

          Scott – You left your bottle of tranquilizer pills in the gym. Al

          in reply to: USAWA Nationals Entry is up!!! #25029
          Al Myers

            Tedd – Good luck on your date this weekend. You should know better than to ask dating advice from someone who has been out of the game for 30 years. I thought I gave you sound advice – doesn’t EVERYONE love latex??? Al

            in reply to: LEDAIG EXTRAVAGANZA CANCELLED! #25007
            Al Myers

              Dave – I’ll get it removed from the schedule. Al

              in reply to: Roger Davis #25017
              Al Myers

                I got ya! It must have been the goal with his “secret” dumbbell?? (I won’t say anymore!!) Al

                in reply to: Roger Davis #25019
                Al Myers

                  Roger – Outstanding!!!! I KNEW you would hit that goal on the year of your 40th birthday (but truthfully I didn’t think it would take you till mid December??haha) Please share with us your reasons why you decided to set a goal like this??? Al

                  in reply to: USAWA Nationals Entry is up!!! #25032
                  Al Myers

                    Tom – it will be great to have you guys! I know you will have LOTS of fun and you can always count on Thom to put on a first rate event. I haven’t seen Jeff in quite some time – tell him hi from me. How much is Thom paying you guys to be JWC members?? Al

                    in reply to: NAS Dino Winter Challenge #25079
                    Al Myers

                      Pictures are up!!!

                      in reply to: World Wide Row! #25021
                      Al Myers

                        I agree – another great article by John McKean. Al

                        in reply to: NAS Dino Winter Challenge #25080
                        Al Myers

                          Yesterday was an ABSOLUTELY great day at the Dino Gym! 14 strongmen showed up for the Winter Challenge – and the overall quality of the competitors was as good as I’ve ever seen it! I’ll try to get some pictures of it up on our “Dino Gym Facebook Page”. Al

                          in reply to: USAWA Nationals Entry is up!!! #25041
                          Al Myers

                            Oh Thommy, that was so sweet and touchy. hahaha

                            in reply to: USAWA Nationals Entry is up!!! #25044
                            Al Myers

                              O YEAH! THAT’S THE WAY TO TELL HIM!

                              But truthfully Thom, it probably would be best if you backed down a little, and maybe even issue an apology to the Dino Gym. When The Professor gets upset – discipline follows and I would hate to see him put a hurt on you. Once we had a new guy in the gym one night that was getting cocky and making insulting remarks to several of us. The Professor finally had enough and decided this new guy needed a “time-out” so he put him in a choke-hold until he lost consciousness. We didn’t know what to do then – so we carried him out to his car and laid him in the backseat. He must have eventually “came to” because when we finished our workout he was gone and we haven’t seen him since. I just telling you this story for your own safety. Al

                              in reply to: USAWA Nationals Entry is up!!! #25047
                              Al Myers

                                Team Title??? At Nationals?? I haven’t heard of THAT yet – were you waiting to see if you could get any JWC members to compete first before you issued this challenge to the Dino Gym?? Of course – we will take you up on it. We like beating teams on their home turf. As for the Dino Strength logo – Scott wanted something a little milder as to not scare off business. Speaking of that – I see Big T must have a little Dino in him because he is now going as T-Rex!!!! THE ORIGINAL DINOMAN

                                in reply to: USAWA Nationals Entry is up!!! #25049
                                Al Myers

                                  Well, when the money starts rolling into the USAWA in the form of memberships from this worldwide collection of JWC members, then I’ll give you guys the recognition you think you deserve!!! At least the Dino Gym has never been accused of trying to steal IronMinds logo!!!! OUCH – that had to sting!!! Al

                                Viewing 15 posts - 916 through 930 (of 1,093 total)